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Community for : 2.6 years

Natural, naturopathic, and homeopathic remedies.

Please title your Discussion post with the ailment and put the remedy in the description, thanks.

Pharmacy drugs aren't always the only option available to get well or stay well.

Shitpost-free Zone
Do *not* direct link sites, please use a Discussion Post

Owner: Cynabuns


New Sub Intro: NaturalRemedies     (NaturalRemedies)
submitted by Cynabuns to NaturalRemedies 2.6 years ago (+19/-0)
10 comments last comment...
The very popular post recently on kidney stones prompted a user to suggest that we have a sub to share our natural remedies for what ails us, so here it is:


BigPharma drugs are not always our only option for getting well or staying well.

Share your stories and recipes for any natural, naturopathic, or homeopathic remedies.
This is how our great-grandmothers did it, we can do this too.

It occurs to me too that some of these old fashioned remedies might be helpful if there's ever a SHTF event.

This is a Shitpost-free Zone

Please title your post with the ailment and put the remedy in the description, thanks.
The Cure for AIDS     (
submitted by Trope to NaturalRemedies 3 days ago (+25/-0)
24 comments last comment...

Most if not all diseases are rooted in deficiency.
Magnesium Changed My Life     (NaturalRemedies)
submitted by Trope to NaturalRemedies 2 days ago (+26/-2)
63 comments last comment...
Despite a zero carb carnivore diet, my blood pressure was still high. Resting heart rate was high and pounded at night. Began developing a heart palpitation after eating which can best be described as a hiccup of the chest. Could find no reasonable advice online. Even Dr Berg had fuckall for useful advice. Plebbit was insistent in Potassium (idiots)

After reading The Magnesium Miracle, I began supplementing with Magnesium Citrate (400 - 800mg per day). The palpitation went away immediately and never returned, The next day, my mind was the calmest it had ever been in my life. I used to get nervous or worked up prior to a lecture but now I can give my presentations without any jitters or anxiety.

My thoughts used to be squirrely and I’d often feel the need to start new projects. This sense of being wound up is gone. Concentration is easy now and I’ve since gone back to school to work toward a proper degree (anything but fucking computers this time) My fast heart rate went away within a week and my blood pressure was normal after a few weeks.

A few months later, I quit caffeine. Didn't feel like I needed it anymore. The withdrawal was very mild when on previous attempts, it was always awful. I feel like no one knows this about caffeine withdrawal and should like to write a publication some day.

I’m sharing this with you because I believe it can help change your lives for the better. Some of you will chime in saying it makes you tired but that anecdotal information is also useful for us all to take into consideration. One of you took the obscure magnesium theonine and fell into a deep depression. Mg citrate is safe. Mg oxide is hardly absorbed and should not be used.