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Community for : 3.1 years

Hope against juden perfidy

Owner: ripelivanianbeats


God is not a part of us, we are a part of God     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+7/-1)
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God is not a river that flows through us. We are a river that flows into God, and God is the ocean, every ocean, the sky and the rain that feeds life into us all.
God is beyond all conception and beyond all inconception     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+0/-1)
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God is beyond the limits of our ability to inconceive because that is a conception. We can only wrongly conceive God because we are a part of God, we can less comprehend or incomprehend Him than an atom in a cell in your heart can comprehend you.

Also, He surfs.
All White people killed by niggers are saints (not coalburners)     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+2/-1)
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Saint Cannon Hinnant, age 6.
We are not the goyim, jews are     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+7/-2)
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Goyim means cattle, and there's no animal on Earth dumber and more venial than a miserable ugly grass-chewing juden.

From now on I'm calling jews goyim and I invite all of you to join me.
Claude DeBussy - Clair De Lune     (
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+2/-0)
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Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade      (
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+2/-0)
I have to say so far I like nuvoat better than voat-that-was, old voat had way too many shitty timers and things on when you could post     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+6/-2)
I hated the locked-down feeling of old voat, this incarnation of voat feels like you can post an opinion without having to ask some shit-dick's permission first.
The jews are evil for resting on the sabbath because they arent keeping it holy, they're putting themselves in the place of God     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+2/-1)
Jews are not God. I am not God. You are not God.

Money is not God. Sex is not God. Power is not God. Death is not God.

The root of all evil is to put that which is not God in the place of God.
Nonwhites need to get over their seething envy of White people and accept that some people are just better     (Hope)
submitted by ripelivanianbeats to Hope 3.1 years ago (+4/-1)
White supremacy exists because White people are better, the other races need to get over it and live with it.