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Community for : 3 years



A Coordinated Attack On Gab AI by the Simon Wiesenthal Center to influence journalists to make hit pieces against fast-growing Gab AI platform     (Gab)
submitted by oppressed to Gab 4 months ago (+46/-0)
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Dear Gab Family,

We would like to inform you about the recent coordinated efforts by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Center for Democracy & Technology, and Tech Against Terrorism to brief journalists on hit pieces against our fast-growing AI platform, Gab AI. The first of these hit pieces are being released today. Our new AI platform has been growing rapidly, with hundreds of thousands of new users joining per week. This means that Gab AI is one of the fastest growing AI tools on the internet.

This growth has understandably alarmed the usual suspects who seek to control and censor online content. It has come to our attention that these activist groups and journalists have taken issue with the inclusion of historical figures such as Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Ladin in our Gab AI platform. We find it curious that these individuals found no issue with other historical figures that we offer, including Marx and Mao, whose ideologies were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in the 20th century. Gab AI has hundreds of historical figures you can chat with on our platform and we even give you the ability to create your own custom character to be anyone you can imagine.

We believe that studying history is important and that learning from the past is crucial to avoid repeating it. We won't apologize for any of our AI characters and encourage you to check them all out, maybe you'll learn something. It is our belief that providing a range of historical figures, both positive and negative, allows users to explore and understand the complexities of history. We stand by our decision to include these characters and will not be swayed by the opinions of those who seek to censor history.

The First Amendment protects our right to host uncensored AI and our users' right to create content with it and share it anywhere they wish. We will not be deterred by the displeasure of communist think tanks. If they don't like our commitment to free speech AI, they can take a hike. Thank you for your continued support of Gab and our mission to provide an uncensored platform for users to express their thoughts and ideas.

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab AI Inc.
Jesus Christ is King

Andrew Torba enables parody accounts on Gab     (
submitted by mxcviel to Gab 1.6 years ago (+31/-0)
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Fuck Gab     (Gab)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Gab 2 years ago (+3/-3)
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Torba is now promoting a controlled anti-white low iq negress as some sort of uncontrolled alternative to the low iq boomers on there, who of course are all eating it up. He continues to only ever push the most obvious frauds. There's something very suspicious about him, he seems to be running a similar play to what Trump was given now that Trump has run it into the ground, playing on white nationalist sentiments then directing them to fraudulent controlled political solutions.
Not enough anti-semitism     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Gab 2.4 years ago (+27/-1)
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Andrew Torba interview     (
submitted by Conspirologist to Gab 2.4 years ago (+4/-1)
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Your Brain on Gab     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Gab 2.4 years ago (+11/-0)
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Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of Nazis and Russians     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Gab 2.4 years ago (+14/-3)
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Why do people take Jew Rogen (i.e the male Oprah for Nu-males) seriously? the dude's a total niggerfaggotkike

claims "Oh Russian bots are pretending to be American Christians so they can push for their message on facebook"

that is prime pilpul, no wonder why the jews on jewtube keep promoting this fat balding jew faggot
Torba exposes the ((((Ben & Jerries))) psyop      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Gab 2.9 years ago (+43/-0)
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Ben & Jerry’s has Jewish owners, so explain why they would boycott Israel randomly out of nowhere as soon as the Pegasus spyware story dropped? This whole ice cream story smells like a counter narrative PSYOP to hijack the news cycle from the fact that Israel had spyware on the phones of Americans, dissidents, and journalists among others.

archive screencap incase gab ever gets nuked
Molon Labe      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Gab 3.0 years ago (+19/-1)
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The Chuzpah of the kikes is astounding
sooner or later the world will see that for what they truly are--subhuman trash
Andrew Torba gab CEO just tweeted this      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to Gab 3 years ago (+43/-0)
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54th Anniversary of Israel’s attack on the USS LIBERTY

it's funny, this man went from Banning Patrick Little for naming jewish crimes
to slowly, dropping redpills to MILLIONS of boomers and other americans on the JQ

the kvetching in the comment section is DELICIOUS, so many hasbarats are shitting their pants right now