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Community for : 3.3 years

Into the unknown.

Owner: Nesano


How government should work      (
submitted by ProudRebel to Dreamworlds 8 months ago (+33/-0)
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White EthnoStates would save the world and invent Star Trek replicators     (Dreamworlds)
submitted by oppressed to Dreamworlds 1.3 years ago (+1/-2)
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Imagine not having to work anymore because all the world's food is free. That's what White EthnoStates can offer humanity.

If the White race were permitted to survive and thrive into the future via ethnostates, innovation would be the norm and Whites would develop Star Trek replicators that could replicate plates of food for the hungry.

Whites have already shown their potential for inventing such replicators by inventing the modern world.

We should instill a vision of endless possibilities in a heavenly dream world when we talk about future White Ethnostates.
Dream Hands     (Dreamworlds)
submitted by Kozel to Dreamworlds 1.6 years ago (+7/-1)
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My first experience with lucid dreaming took place when I was a teenager on the same night as I was taught about the concept. Excitement about the prospect, motivation to be first over my brother, and a less-calcified pineal gland made it very easy.

At that time I had learned with from an excerpt from a book that instructed the dreamer to view their dream hand as the first action of lucid dreaming. From there, after nights of practice, to build a dream body, a dream room, and then finally to venture out of the dream room. By building up from a hand to a body to a room the mind grew stronger and could hold create and maintain a larger dream universe.

Building from that concept, the highest level of lucid dream I was able to attain, thanks to the help of a cat triggering a wake induced lucid dream, was my existence as a ball of light, floating through the unknown, with a 360 degree field of consciousness (like a field of view, but it was not sight).

But I digress. I recently had a lucid dream. I looked at my dream hand. It was deformed and had at least two extra mutant fingers.
Consistent and Persistent Dream World Locations     (Dreamworlds)
submitted by Kozel to Dreamworlds 1.6 years ago (+3/-1)
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Often times, in my dreams, I re-visit locations which don't seem to be inspired by real-life or fiction, but that are consistent and familiar in multiple regards. Although the dream worlds in which I am deal with completely different topics the locations are often familiar.

For example, half a year ago I had two dreams pertaining to a high security factory/complex which had a road leading up a hill perpendicular to its entry gates. Just a few hours ago I had a similar dream, that I was in my real-world car, being pursued by some sort of enemies, and I drove through the double gates of this factory for safety, because I recognized that in a previous dream breaching the compound resulted in overwhelming armed response from facility security.

Furthermore, the road that leads up the hill has a large shoulder of plant growth, a fence, and on the other fence is a trail that links to my dream home, which links to a monorail/metro station. Within the last half year I've had at least two dreams pertaining to the use of the metro and/or the trail. I have familiarity with this specific city location of my dreams from which I have drawn multiple decisions in response to the unfoldings of dreams that take place in that location.

There are other locations, some which I have not visited in years or decades. When I find myself in those locations, in dream state, I recall the familiarity and make dream-decisions based on my previous dreams that took place in those same locations.

These locations are never perfectly consistent, but they have familiar 'anchoring points', such as the factory/complex mentioned initially.

There's no conclusion to this, just woke up in the middle of the night wondering about it.
Shaman Visiting Village by Ed Laag     (
submitted by AndrewBlazeIt to Dreamworlds 3.2 years ago (+0/-0)
Dreamers come and go, but a dream's forever.     (Dreamworlds)
submitted by Nesano to Dreamworlds 3.3 years ago (+3/-0)
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Not gonna be posting here yet, as this site's still in its infancy, but we'll see what the future holds.