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The worst generation in human history.

Owner: Jewfed9000


The Capital That Was Lost     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 10 months ago (+2/-1)
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A commenter on Gab observes how the societal changes throughout the United States have significantly reduced its human capital:

I like to relate to my experience growing up in a small town, once a modest but prosperous mining community. By the 80s and through the 90s, the mine was long closed and economic opportunities were scant. By the 2000s, generational welfare recipients were common, except now the last vestiges of culture disappear as crime and drugs increase.

The town now serves mostly as a retirement/ bedroom community with a base of unfortunates.

I always thought that if a big employer showed up nearby, there would be a huge line for the much needed jobs. What I didn’t understand until recent years is what had really been lost: Human capital.

Now employers are hungry for people and you can’t get anyone to show up. New generations seem incapable of managing getting to work on time or at all. That’s what was lost, the culture that reinforced family, work ethic, social values. That’s human capital. Once it’s gone, it’s very hard to get back.

This is where Generation X can, despite its tendency toward nihilism and apathy, make a real difference and give its successors an advantage. Because we don’t care about the mainstream narrative, we can reinforce the traditional family, work ethic, and social values that enhance human capital. We have the ability to teach them how to be in the society, but not of it.

Just yesterday, I explained the way business communications hierarchy worked to several members of the younger generation, and assigned them to watch this scene from The Godfather in order to help them understand how it works. Notice in particular the way the two senior subordinates, the hit man and the lawyer, as well as the rival family capo, understand immediately the major faux pas that has been committed by the undisciplined son.

“I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them, as you can see. They talk when they should listen.” This is the key phrase from this scene, and not the more famous “Never tell anybody outside the Family what you’re thinking again.” But they are both significant concepts that are part of what was the human capital of the time.

Our children and grandchildren will not pick up these things via osmosis from the mainstream culture the way we did, which is why it falls for us to preserve it by teaching them wisely and well.
Of All the Boomers Who Ever Boomed     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 10 months ago (+4/-4)
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These may have been the boomerest. From SocialGalactic:

Late 80s high school friend attended a state retreat for gifted kids. They chose a theme song at the end, Alphaville’s “Forever Young”.

The Boomers in charge overrode with “Imagine”.

I don’t know that anything summarizes the awfulness of the Wicked Generation better or more succinctly than that. It’s all right there, the generational solipsism, the entitlement, the inexplicable abuse of power, the Beatles, and most of all, the total lack of regard for their children and grandchildren.

It’s not just that the Boomers abused their power and privilege, as they observably did, but the weird and foolish ways they chose to do so.

It’s ironic from a musical perspective too, because Forever Young is a much better and much more epic song than Imagine. Based on the streaming statistics, the younger generations would even appear to agree.
Generation Z pushing ‘ageist stereotypes’ about Boomers, study finds     (
submitted by paul_neri to Boomers 10 months ago (+1/-1)
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Millennials and Gen Z reveal the rogue work habits of Boomers     (
submitted by paul_neri to Boomers 1 year ago (+1/-1)
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🎶 Well fuck you Texas! And fuck your Lone Star Beer! And fuck that fucking Alamo, and fuckin’ long-horned steer 🎶     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to Boomers 11 months ago (+48/-2)
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The boomer has finally begun to hate     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to Boomers 1.1 years ago (+60/-5)
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Gen X Answers Gen Z     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1 year ago (+22/-3)
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#Gen X Answers Gen Z

This Gen X woman’s response to an innocent question is both hilarious and absolutely 100-percent true.

So when y’all are saying that y’all used to drink from the hose… were sinks not an option?

For fuck’s sake. Whose gonna tell him? You want me to tell him? I’ll tell him.

We weren’t allowed in the house!

I don’t know why that’s so hard for people to understand. Our childhood was like one never-ending episode of that TV show, Survivor, okay? We are indestructible. We never sat in car seats, nobody’s ever given us swimming lessons, we’ve all either been shot with a BB gun or stabbed with a fucking jart. The television stations had to make a commercial reminding our parents that they had kids!

I shit you not! Every night, on the 10 PM news, a voice would come on and say: “It’s 10 PM, do you know where your children are?” To remind our parents that they had fucking kids.

So, no, Sir Shirtless with the beanie. Sinks were not an option.

UPDATE: To be fair, being dropped off at 7 AM to go skiing all day with the Otto Hollaus Ski School or being left at the neighborhood ice rink with nothing but an unheated “warming hut” after lunch to play hockey until dark were some of my favorite childhood experiences.

"We must act now, the Baby Boomers are coming," [a levy or requiring wealthier Australians to fund their own aged care.]     (
submitted by paul_neri to Boomers 1 year ago (+4/-2)
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Even Christians Boom     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1 year ago (+2/-5)
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#Even Christians Boom - Vox Popoli

The Boomers have learned absolutely nothing from their past mistakes. They are incapable of learning anything. The sooner the myopic, self-absorbed narcissists die off, the better chance Western civilization will have to survive in some form.

We had a church meeting to discuss the issue of the school growing beyond what our facilities can handle, and the mostly boomer congregation decided the best use of our 1.3m of funds would be to build a senior living center on church property. It’s beyond over

The Me generation lived solely for the Now. Instead of planting trees for future generations, they cut down the trees their predecessors had planted and destroyed the society they were given. And whether it is Covid vaccines or church schools, they continue to prioritize themselves instead of their grandchildren, which comes as little surprise to the children they similarly neglected in favor of their rapacious lotus-eating.

The best thing Generation X and the subsequent generations can do is learn from their catastrophic collective failure as a wicked generation and focus on the future rather than on the past or the present.
The apocalypse of baby boomers: How retiring seniors will cripple the economy!     (
submitted by paul_neri to Boomers 1.1 years ago (+3/-2)
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We're not going to take it     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Boomers 1.1 years ago (+35/-1)
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Why some people go NO CONTACT with their parents     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.2 years ago (+9/-0)
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Boomer Shock     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.2 years ago (+26/-6)
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A Boomer is astonished to hear his own Boomer brother’s lack of concern for his own children. As seen on Gab.

"As a repentant boomer, I agree with what @voxday says about my generation."

"So it wasn’t a total surprise when this morning, during a conversation about our children’s inheritance, my unrepentant, vaccinated boomer brother said, 'Why would you want to leave them anything?'"

"Exact words, and even though it wasn’t a surprise because Vox has said this over and over, it was shocking to hear the complete lack of loyalty to his own children’s future."

"My parents, now in their 90s, once had seven rental properties in Perth. They sold them all – one by one – in the 1980s so they 'could see the world'. They now own their own downsized home and get the pension."

I’m not making anything up because I hate Boomers. I hate Boomers because I have paid attention to what they have said and what they have done for nearly 50 years, and because we are instructed to hate wickedness.

Boomers are not, on average, good people as the Bible defines the concept.

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children...

Proverbs 13:22
Repent, Boomer     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.3 years ago (+4/-6)
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The unrepentant wickedness of Boomers is reliably seen in their characteristic responses to criticism of their generation. Their standard defense is to blame others while claiming they did nothing wrong, which should sound familiar to anyone who has ever read the Bible.

And their incoherence is obvious when they simultaneously a) claim that it’s wrong to collectively criticize a generation while b) collectively criticizing multiple generations as clueless, inept, lazy, easily-triggered snowflakes lacking grit.

Finally, it is Satan who attempts to unite. Jesus Christ came to divide. Their defensive appeals to unity are literally satanic.

Repent, Boomer.

A Boomer responded on Gab to the mere sight of the cover image from last night’s Darkstream, entitled The Unrepentant Evil of the Boomers.

Boomer: "Stop playing the jews game by blaming the boomers. That’s what they want. They want us to fight each other so that you don’t see the real culprit, the jews. The only sin of the boomers was to believe the jewish lie."

Ixthys: "So; pride; lust; greed; gluttony and envy; that’s quite a deviational achievement for an unrepentent generation; if we don’t recognise their achievement we’ll fall for the same tricks!"

Boomer: "As I said, Our only sin was to believe the jewish lie. Blaming the boomers will only divide us and serve their agenda."

Vox: "The video is literally about you. You are unrepentant and you refuse to take responsibility for your actions. Because if you think that was your only sin, then you remain steeped in the wickedness of your generation."

Boomer: "Are you a jew? Silly question, you will lie if you’re a member of the tribe."

It’s an interesting defense that not only admits to, but literally demonstrates, the very charges being laid against the accused. But it is not an effective one.

Repent, Boomer.
Tards     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Boomers 1.3 years ago (+50/-0)
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They Loved Mammon More     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.3 years ago (+7/-2)
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A Gab reader reacts to my response to a Boomer smugly asserting how glad he is that his childhood and youth were better than those of subsequent generations.

"Why did boomers not value their children or grandchildren? My parents (and his) had no time for me or for my children. Or we had to pack up the babies and drive to them. They didn’t seem to remember how hard it was to travel with small children. I was left alone as a child to raise myself in front of a TV while my parents worked. Asking around and I’ve found my peers had similar experiences."

"Those same parents scoffed at my husband and me for keeping me at home and living on less so I could raise our kids. My husband and I planted the seeds of trees whose shade we’ll never know. There’s a distinct lack of humility with many boomers I’ve encountered. The Bible has lots to say on the subject of pride. My parents sit on their pile of wealth and wonder why they’re lonely. The greatest generation will be the one that glorifies God and encourages others to repent. Music, clothes, cars are fun but fleeting. Folly. People matter. Pour your life out for your family, your church, your community and you will find life more abundantly."

Another child of the Boomers expresses his own inability to comprehend the way in which most Boomers simply don’t give a damn about the well-being of their children and grandchildren.

"I know the feeling. Its hard for me to grasp sometimes. All I want to do is build a legacy for my children. Real wealth as an inheritance for them. All my father wants to do is accumulate money with me having no part in it. He actively avoided bringing me into his business to the point where I had to join the military to improve the station of my family. Its something I will never understand."

I’ve seen this repeatedly in the Boomers of my acquaintance. Unlike my grandparents, with whom I was close enough that I would drive down from college to spend my holiday weekends with them, they’d rather live around others their own age and occupy themselves with meaningless social activities than spend time with their grandkids. As owners and executives, they cling to control even when they literally never come into the office instead of handing over responsibility to their eventual successors. And if they find themselves in a position where they have to choose between a sum of money and a relationship with someone, they will choose the former every single time.

Why is this? I genuinely don’t know. But in contrast, I see my Generation X peers already preparing succession plans even though they’re only in their 50s, pushing their children to accept as much responsibility as they can reasonably handle, and in general, preparing for a future in which they will play no part. Because we understand that legacy matters far more than dying with the most toys.
Nigger Chevvy     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Boomers 1.3 years ago (+3/-2)
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The Wicked Generation     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.4 years ago (+5/-5)
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Taken as a whole, Boomers are spectacularly awful people. And it’s remarkable to observe how so many of them just can’t stop themselves from demonstrating it every time their generation is called out for its collective wickedness. I posted this on Gab:

Boomers are wicked. Boomers are evil. They are literally the very worst generation in the entire history of Man.

And the responses from Boomers absolutely confirmed the truth of the statement.
We Will Raise Wolves     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.5 years ago (+4/-2)
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Among the many Boomer philosophical concepts that Generation X rejects, the so-called social contract is prominent. We have no social contract with Clown World. We didn’t choose it, we aren’t part of it, and we reject it entirely.

Some people out there believe we can vote our way out of this. These optimistic folks have been under a rock for the past few years or haven’t noticed clown world.

If you are one of those people who keeps on voting, that’s your business. I am not going to convince you voting is pointless anymore than you’re going to convince me that I should get off my ass and vote for a different douchebag this time.

The happy-fun reason we aren’t voting our way out of this is because a self-perpetuating failure cycle has already been established. I’m not sure if this was deliberately achieved by earthly powers, or whether they took advantage of it.

I struggled articulating my thoughts about the self-perpetuating cycle into something coherent and finally gave up because it doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t matter for a very chilling reason. After thinking through the implications, dread about immigration, rising crime, and more inflation took a backseat to the insight. Yes, a self-destructive country that slowly decays is the optimistic alternative.

The problems we face now, and they are real and considerable, will be taken care of. Of that I have no doubt. We will not like the solution at all.

The reason we aren’t voting our way out of this hit me in a flash, like all the best (and worst) ideas do. After it did, I sat and thought for a long while. Then I closed this draft and didn’t open it for 10 days.

The old American social contract has been completely and utterly broken….

Among Gen Xers, a huge percentage are ready to burn this mother fucker to the ground. We’re not happy about it, it just seems inevitable. As much as we’d like to save our beautiful country for our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I don’t see it happening.

But we honor the old social contract: we sacrifice ourselves so younger generations have a better life, and have a chance to be born.

We have to destroy clown world so those still capable of having children can build back better. Not political posturing bullshit better, but a fundamental change in the way we all live.

Preach, preacher. This comment, in particular, sums up my generation: Our first authorities betrayed us and it colors our view of all authority.

Especially our view of illegitimate, self-appointed, predatory foreign authorities.

They tried to make us sheep. But we will raise wolves.
Boomers     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Boomers 1.5 years ago (+41/-2)
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Worse Than Unbelievers - Vox Popoli     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.5 years ago (+2/-2)
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Some Boomers reacted angrily to the idea that their wicked generation is evil because they are disinclined to curtail their spending in order to leave anything to their descendants. But the facts that one of them demanded I cite are even more damning of their generation than I had imagined.

With the older generation seemingly richer than ever thanks to generous pension provisions and rapidly rising house prices, it’s no surprise to find so many of them ticking off their ‘bucket list’ by travelling abroad, taking up new hobbies or treating themselves to expensive luxuries. In fact, the spending patterns of these golden oldies have become so widespread, they have even gained a name of their own. SKI-ing – or Spending the Kids’ Inheritance – has become the new normal for the over 50s, replacing the desire of previous generations to leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren.

According to a study by SAGA, in 2016 Britain’s over 50s owned almost 70% of the country’s household wealth, amounting to a staggering £6.2trn. What’s more, that figure had risen rapidly, climbing by £660bn in five years. Of the headline figure, pension wealth accounted for £2.52trn and property wealth a further £2.29trn. However, the days where their children could simply sit back and wait to inherit their share of this wealth are fading fast. These days, more and more older people are deciding to enjoy their money themselves rather than leave it behind for their family.

Having grown up in relative austerity in the post war years, many of the so-called baby-boomer generation are reluctant to go without in later life just so they can pass on their hard earned savings to their children. In fact, a study of Attitudes to Inheritance in Britain by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation showed that as many as two-thirds of over 50s would rather enjoy their life than worry about leaving an inheritance, with just a quarter saying they would budget their spending in order to leave something behind.

The study found that while most respondents liked the idea of leaving an inheritance, they did not think they should have to be careful with their cash, or cramp their lifestyle, in order to do so. It is a similar story down-under, where the Challenger National Seniors Australia report found just 3% of Australians over 50 plan to preserve their savings as an inheritance and only 25% said leaving their family anything was a top priority.

US Boomers are no better than their foreign counterparts. Notice that they are spending 57 percent more annually than Generation X, despite the fact that a) they don’t have families to raise and b) most of them are not financially assisting their children and grandchildren.

Separating out net worth along generational lines, it’s Baby Boomers who possess more than half (54%) of all of US household wealth. These Baby Boomers are also spending more than the other generations, with Epsilon reporting that Boomers spend $548.1 billion annually, a figure nearly $200 billion more than the next highest spending generation (Gen X).

Proverbs 13:22: A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.

1 Timothy 5:8: Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Boomers are Evil - Vox Popoli     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.6 years ago (+4/-2)
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They are truly a wicked generation, their behavior was preemptively condemned by God Himself, and the destruction of the USA will be their lasting historical legacy. Lacey Fairchild savagely illustrates the observable fact in today’s HYPERGAMOUSE.

Lest you think this is an exaggeration or unfair in any way, consider this personal testimony from a follower on Gab.

“Spending my kids inheritance” is one of my boomer dad’s favorite sayings. He literally has it on a little decorative sign in his house in Florida.

Yes, there are individuals who were born sometime between 1946 and 1964 who are good people that love God, love their nation, and have raised their descendants well. That doesn’t change the fact that the Boomer social norms are evil, and that their collective voice will have celebrated wickedness from the time they were children until the day the last of them dies. Macro is not micro and vice-versa.

The Boomer’s historical legacy will be the decline and fall of the United States of America, and quite possibly, the decline and fall of the West. The younger generations do very well to reject them and to turn away from their wicked ways.
Hypergamouse: What About Me?     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.6 years ago (+4/-0)
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What Makes Boomers Special - Vox Popoli     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.6 years ago (+0/-2)
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It’s true that not ALL Boomers are like that. So let’s content ourselves with saying that a sufficient quantity of them are to safely predict what will be the average Boomer’s response to any and all subjects. Such as, for example, financial responsibility and debt relief, as Neon Revolt discovered recently when a Boomer explained to him why Boomers are special and nothing is ever their fault.

NEON REVOLT: Live feed of conservative voters voooting hardeeeeer, to make sure no one ever escapes student debt.

BOOMER: I’ve admired your research and papers, but am now a little confused about the attacks today. Are you comparing gambling seniors who have earned a living for 60 or more years with the student population having a right to free student loan payoffs? Boomers did pay off their student debt because we learned the values of responsibility and accountability. Granted, I don’t think enough people have woken up to the horrors that we will face in the near future, but I do know that even in my state, the turn out was beyond what anyone imagined. Boomers are well aware of the negative “social culture” that is being pushed today and are flabbergasted to say the least. Conservative boomers were hoodwinked into voting for the malevolent types like the Bushes. Thanks to people like you, we have done our research and learned many more truths. What makes boomers special is that we grew up in an age to be open to new ideas and to think for ourselves.

VP READER WHO IS PROBABLY GEN-X: I highly recommend doing a “boomer” keyword search of voxday ‘s blog and reading the results voraciously. Your response, “Boomers did pay off their student debt because we learned the values of responsibility and accountability” is utterly clueless as is all too typical of the boomer mindset.

To be clear, not that it is at all relevant, but I have no student loans. I didn’t pursue some grievance-studies degree. I went to a fourth-tier university because it was affordable. I have no direct dog in this fight. So no ad-homs about me trying to get free gibs or some such nonsense.

To suggest that those who need debt relief somehow lack responsibility and accountability as you insinuate is asinine. The entire system is corrupt from top to bottom and bears little resemblance to the system in which you participated. 18-year olds from broken boomer families were bombarded with pro-college propaganda their entire lives to the point that they were led to believe any tuition cost is worth the benefit of a college “education”.

And this is even more absurd: “What makes boomers special is that we grew up in an age to be open to new ideas and to think for ourselves.” You’ve got to be kidding. What you interpret as thinking for yourself is more akin to discarding tried and true social and moral frameworks because psy-ops told you not to trust anyone over 30. Boomers as a cohort more think about themselves rather than for themselves.

Indeed, look at your comment in which you talk about how special you are as boomers for your openness to new ideas and how you learned responsibility and accountability. Boomers can’t help talking about themselves. I’ll never forget, for example, finding a very special book in a friends-of-the-library sale titled “Hipper Than Our Kids: A Rock and Roll Journal of the Baby Boom Generation”. Good parents don’t measure themselves against their kids; they measure their kids against themselves and strive mightily to raise people who are better, not “hipper” than themselves.

Prove me wrong about boomer self-absorption. Knee-jerk NAXALT responses are inelligible. Every boomer craps their pants when someone suggests ending the Social Security Ponzi scheme because “I paid into it, dammit!” Yeah, you paid into a fraudulent, generational Ponzi scheme, so muster up that legendary boomer accountability and responsibility and accept your losses and sunk costs instead of continuing to siphon from younger workers today.

Boomers shut down the economy and tried to force the clot-shot on everyone in order to protect themselves. Your job, boomers, was to make the necessary personal sacrifices to let the young live their lives and muster again that legendary boomer accountability and responsibility and take the extra precautions yourselves. Even the boomer President Orange Warp-Speed was in on the clot-shot hysteria.

Think for yourselves? If you’d done that, you wouldn’t have mass clot-shotted yourselves and cut yourselves off from supposed loved ones if they were unvaxxed. Responsibility and accountability? You would have quarantined yourselves to let the young get on with their lives.

Look, you’re probably a personable enough guy if we met one-on-one. You probably feel like you want to do the right thing. But that doesn’t negate the absurdities I just pointed out. Seriously, your generation is special in a bad way, not a good way. Just leave it at that, move on, and do your best to make restitution any way you can to the younger generations you let down.
Boomers, Unvarnished - Vox Popoli     (
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1.6 years ago (+6/-0)
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I posted this on Gab, with a link to the full four-panel comic, which inspired a few fascinating, and all-too-telling, responses from Boomers there. As one reader put it:

The reactions to this are simply amazing to behold… they won’t read the whole thing, and even if they do, they completely miss the point.

- That’s what i learned from my depression era grandparents. i learned to do the yard work and other chores to earn my own way.

- Yeah God forbid you teach a kid they have to work for what they want in life. That nothing comes free. This is why kids today are spoiled rotten cry babies that think they should get their way just because they want it without having to work for it. That Boomer didn’t have to give this kid shit and made him work anyway. Nothing wrong with teaching a kid the benefits of hard work period.

- Ignore the weasels crying about “not being given anything”. The entire strip makes no sense. That grandpa would let his grandson do the work if the kid was interested. He obviously has someone doing the lawn because his family members are spoiled brats. Hell, I’ve got a 22 year old son who I can’t get to take out the garbage his entire life, let alone mow the lawn. He’s pretty worthless when it comes to being self motivated. And yes, I mowed some lawns in my day as a kid. I had a paper route for several years from age 10 -17 and paid for my first car with that money. I was given a lot because my parents thought it was the way to love me, but I also learned to earn. This thought process has gone the way of the dodo bird, and you can tell by the whiners lamenting boomers’ supposed easy life. Here’s a reality check for you; nobody owes you a damn thing.

- Most if put in their position would do the same thing. Direct your contempt at the people who deserve it, not the generation that was the first victimized and exploited by cultural Marxism.

It’s informative to be told repeatedly by Boomers that a) they did nothing wrong, b) if they did, it wasn’t their fault, and c) if you’d had the opportunity, you would have done the same thing.