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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 731 (+763/-32)
ccp: 20920 (+21967/-1047)
votes given: 11889 (+9552/-2337)
score: 21651


Hahahah Do what we say or the muslims will attack!

Do waht we say or China will attack!

Do as we say or Russia will attack!

White people don't kill them. THat's odd, I thought they were evil sadists

/v/WorldPolitics viewpost?postid=66406deb1a5f5

The problem is that it would have made sense for Germans to do just that to survive. People have a right to fight slavery.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663fb88e3eea8

Don't think it makes a difference. They still have to be fought and ended. They're a generational plague

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=66402a72ef306

Fruit cocktail and cottage cheese was for women who wanted to eat delicately and be told they didn't need to be on a diet.

/v/GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill viewpost?postid=663fc127ec845

Astrology, vegetarianism, ice age climate change, anti Christian eugenics, day care and early child education indoctrination; that's the Theosophy cult constructed as a beard for kabbala, the cabal, the syndicate led by Marxist international bankers. Marx and Freud just rewrote the kabbala.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=663fe5b6c68c3

They didn't develop anything in the last 100 years. You don't control people. You don't change what they are, and you don't own anyone. You're an elitist who lives in your own fantasy. Reality is knocking on your door and it has a knife in it's hand.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663fe6c592ae6

NO. That's just another Svengali jew game of comparing humans to dogs and saying people should be put down so money money money can go from healthcare to the contracts and hundred dollar tongue depressors.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=663ed4288eb21

That's funny. The alliance of the US government politicians with China against the United zStates is because of the international bankers of the 501 C foundations in the US.

The Chinese communist party is an international banker and the same cult. There's a reason every politician and liberal voter is an exact duplicate of Charley Manson's followers.

People around the world who hate the USA hate the foundations, and don't knosw that.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663eb6d608a9e

Fantastic. Every executive and clerk at NATO should be marched out onto the field of battle.

The nobles need to lead their men into battle to prove their sincerity, so every single politician and international banker has to be put in battle at the head of the line

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=663edc8bab680

Holy fuck is she retarded.

I doubt she could make any relationship work, so it's good she hooked up with someone as stupid as she is.

"Trad wife". How bout just being a wife and mother instead?

What she did was exactly what those gruesome psychopaths do when they go looking for a nog to marry, any nog, but it has to be a nog.

The rest of the world isn't on the internet and all they do is get married and start a family and put the interests of the family and children above their own greed and selfishness and mirror gazing.

We can be sure that as an "influencer" she did it for money and to be propaganda

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663eaf40a0870

Just hang up pig carcasses and keep doing it

/v/America viewpost?postid=663eda4688abc

There's no living politician that isn't part of the graft, corruption, theft, and abuse

/v/Health viewpost?postid=663e9112d15a0

Does it include nogs raping, robbing and murdering for no reason, and Europeans calling White Americans racist because they never had to deal with more than a very few of them until now, when suddenly they're being raped, robbed and murdered and ranting about how they'll give all the nogs psychology and money and that will change what they are?

All those "Americans are negatively different" articles are the business of the Atlantic Council parasite non profit. Their job for a hundred years has been to try to destroy the culture of the US. AS they out it, to blend Europe and America, so they destroy European culture as well.

THey're genociders

/v/America viewpost?postid=663c990f44608

"He said he also attempted to kill his wife while she was at a rehabilitation facility, but she woke up and told him not do that again, the statement said. He said he was going to try to kill his wife another time while she was hospitalized, but he didn't get the chance because she was hooked up to several monitors."

It had fuck all to do the with the bills which he could have delayed until he was dead.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=663c852f2412d

"He sought treatment and said in the deposition two years later that a doctor told him the issues could be "caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died"

Well we can see why he was tapped to run for office. Another fuckn Biden.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=663c707428c03

WTF is a mini invasion? Is that like sending an ambassador to put his toe in the water?

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=663c1d9d5058c

Well their hundred year plot is coming to it's final conclusion.

Democrat voters hate democrat politicians and republican voters hate republic politicians.

I smell the corpse of Nicolai Ceausescu.

/v/Republicucks viewpost?postid=663c3b82bff94

sorry, but it isn't using their voice Canadians need.

They elected a guy who thinks he was born at a special time and appointed by the universe above all others.

Their supporters will keep their brains up the ass of the media because it flatters them into thinking they're smart and compassionate for supporting drugs, prostitution pornography gambling , killing living babies and old people for their pension.

What do you do with someone who gets their kids killed with drugs and their daughters into prostitution so they can feel morally superior? They thought they wee supporting that for other people's kids. And they thought calling "other" Whites racist in pre genocidal behaviour didn't apply to themselves.

Yeah fine, pen them into the cities. Blow them big kaboom.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663ac3c5ba811

Darpa exists so the tribe and it's goyem lapdogs can own all inventions.

When the US threw the international bankers out behind the British uniforms, they made patents $3.00 each with free postage. Britain had let them run the cost of a patent up to $600.00 each. Nobody in Britain patented anything without going to a shylocks who would "divert" the invention.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=663ac6fe2f9b1

thats a set up to say uh oh white supremacists, mommy don't like, better vote for more government corporate control.

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=663ac7d71c11a

Trees get virulent sickness. Elms were wiped out by slippery elm disease.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=663a910892d0d

set it up with something more than toilet paper this time.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663ab02f74962