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Member for: 3.0 years

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score: 20


Skeptic5000 1 point 3.0 years ago*

Don't listen to what they say but rather what they do.

If you think women aren't obsessed with sex, open your eyes. What are men's interests? There are many: sports, nerdy hobbies, documentaries, outdoors activities, science, etc. We are all nerds at something. Women's shows, magazines, TV shows and fiction in general are often centered around love, romance and sex, in one way or another. Sex toys, sex advice, sex and the city, make up, lingerie, perfumes, etc. All feminine things, all related to sex. There are very few sex toys for men and nobody buys them. Women, on the other hand, have closets full of "massaging items"

See the books women tend to read; intense "romantic" stories, and nothing more. The protagonist is usually a damsel in distress that's good for nothing and the romantic interest is either a millionaire, a "savage", a pirate, an abusive vampire, a rockstar, etc. Twilight, Fabio novels, Shades of grey, and many others are but examples.

In all cases, it is a dominant, assertive and masculine man who has the upper hand in the relationship and completely dominates her. She's the respectable lady and you're the preposterous savage who took her without asking and had your way with her. Or she's the poor little girl and you're *the man*.

Now you don't need to be either of those things; being a normal guy is more than enough, but the point is that women are looking for *men*. Men with balls who stand up for themselves and don't fall for *their* bullshit. She'll throw fits and test you just to see how you'll react. Keep calm. In her mind, you're cooler than you think, and she expects you to act accordingly. That's why she gets "pissed" when she sees you're indecisive, insecure or unassertive. She can't understand why her man isn't taking the reins of his life.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=60b7bf6be3151

The problem is not the kikes, but the whites who stay silent.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=60b78f2f480dd

“Kids have no less than five classes on gender identity – this is pure indoctrination,” a Dalton mother said. “This person should absolutely not be teaching children. Ironically, she teaches kids about ‘consent’ yet she has never gotten consent from parents about the sexually explicit, and age inappropriate material about transgender to first graders.”

I laugh at all the IDIOTS who still think this is just a conspiracy and no one is feeding crap to your children.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=60b561ebac427

Messianic jews? The ones who dream of a utopia of a socialist, jewish world government? Fuck them to hell

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60b4eb23de2ca

Funny how they think children like the white kid aren't diverse and want to fill the planet with the same bald, brown kid everywhere. It's not diversity. It's anti-white. People have to start calling it for what it is; if it were about inclusion they'd complain about lack of diversity in the NBA, overrepresentation of jews and asians in college, etc.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60b4eced9e8f8

Tarrant was a false flag. They did that to outlaw guns, to protect muslim migration and to discourage a resistance against muslim replacement. This isn't just the jews, bear that in mind. It's an international clique of globalists, jews and non-jews, who have to be deposed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60b4f06a55189

Niggers are entitled monkeys with no morals, ethics or logic. Don't comply with their bullshit. If they attack, attack back and don't get defensive. That's what they and jews want.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60b53f57c1274

Don't worry, in a couple of years him and them niggas be votin democrat cuz republikan raciss you no whatamsayin'

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60abb9a40dd53

Bear in mind that the 6 million figure only includes jews. The holocaust also encompasses gypsies, gays and other groups. Meaning it's even more than 6 million people killed in those camps. Logistically impossible, especially in the latter days of the war. Using gas chambers is an incredibly inefficient way of killing people, not to mention nazis didn't get anything in return from doing that.

There's not a single official document saying anything about the holocaust, and it isn't mentioned in the memoirs of Eisenhower, Churchill or De Gaulle. It is just a myth to further the zionist cause and globalism.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60b18c2c8b7d7

When you're not an Anglo-Saxon, you have no guilt complex over niggers. Maybe about indians and mestizos, but since the latter are the majority nobody cares.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60b1a21194ba1

If you need the gubmint to force companies to put "smoking kills" to stay safe, you're an idiot.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60b27b9f1e146

I know this is aimed at christianity, but bear in mind that jews historically hated christianity, it was the religion that the Roman Empire embraced and promoted and it took many elements from pagan religions (sun worship, saints, holy places of pilgrimage, symbolism, liturgy, etc.) as well as Greco-Roman philosophy (Particularly the notion of Logos).

It is only after the downfall of christianity that Western society starts to crumble down. Compare traditional christian communities (Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant) to liberal ones and tell me if you don't see a pattern. Muh christcucks. And I'm not even a christian.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60b3d0546d201

omg how can those children play in the mud without hand sanitizer, social distance and being fully vaccinated!!!!!!!

/v/TheWayWeWere viewpost?postid=60b3cdd81e85a