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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 340 (+423/-83)
ccp: 107 (+170/-63)
votes given: 800 (+795/-5)
score: 447


Finally. A reliable cure for cancer.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=65b47db4306db

Prostitutes, male or female, have storied and fulfilling lives.

Don't they?

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65b47f12e0687

Now you know why they keep finding random leaks with billions of credentials at a time.

/v/Intelligence viewpost?postid=65b464366c7b4

One of the best Bob Marley songs. Shame he was a Zionist asset.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=65b455cb4e902

Happy Friday, everyone.


/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=65b455cb4e902

What's the matter, bros? You haven't been cave pilled, yet?

For the price of an excavator rental, you can build your own dream secret man bat cave.

No taxes. Naturally sound proofed. Doubles as a mausoleum when your time has come.

/v/America viewpost?postid=65b4244008091

Someone did a much more comprehensive investigation of this like three years ago. This one is like bad copy pasta.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=65b39335b319e

>The accused could not even remotely assume that the joke he played on his friends could be intercepted or detected by the British services, nor by third parties outside of his friends who received the message.

/v/SocialMedia viewpost?postid=65b36276b52d9

Buying and selling of children is of import because the people involved are the corrupt psychos putting themselves in charge of your tax dollars and your freedoms. If they believing in enslaving children, then they certainly have no qualms about enslaving you.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65b318855cce7

So now South Koreans will have to settle for their second favorite snack, "dog cakes."

/v/WeirdNews viewpost?postid=65b34191090b5


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65b2c4c5afb26

And the answer is: everything in Australia.

He put the box jellyfish at number 5, the stonefish at number 4, and the Hemsworth brothers at number 3.

Coming in at #2, the Sydney Funnel Web Spider, followed by the Queensland "Sawtoothed" Vagina.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65b31be012fbb

Society has already collapsed. Yes.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=65b3188eeb6ed

The nation's supply of helium was just sold to Messer.


/v/news viewpost?postid=65b31b03dceae

You haven't seen the text messages, I'm guessing.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=65b2f059779f4


/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=65b2218b36b41

Since I made a comprehensive overview of Pizzagate, the attacks have come from many different angles. When I get attacked, it allows me the opportunity to see who the bad actors are that work day in and day out to cover up corruption.

@HeyJames is one such piece of shit.

I made a site that was basically a newsreel, no trackers, no cookies, no javascript, and this @HeyJames psycho wants to repeatedly claim it was a security risk.

Well, heyjames is a fucking liar and he has NEVER ONCE been able to provide an example of a single bad link provided by me.

HeyJames also claims that I dox people and attempts to create outrage. Again, heyjames is a fucking lying piece of shit. Suzanna Ray Ayson doxxed herself and I agreeed to never bring it up unless further harassed. So, here we are.

I've never doxxed anyone who wasn't part of corruption or the cover up of corruption. I got doxxed first, so anyone involved in doxxing and harassing me and my family has made themselves fair game.

The worst harassers, not from the Voat community, and I have already had a few rounds in court.

I promise you guys, nothing on the Internet is private and the bad actors know who you are. Your phones and devices all retain your "inferred identity" and AI is constantly working to learn who you are and all about you. When you speak, a text file is created in your phone. All of this data is easily retrievable because Google, Windows, Apple, etc all have it in place already to spy on you. Anyone who knows how these things work (see Vault 7 Wikileaks) knows that these tools are rampant.

Pegasus software is used by the same Israeli firms that fucked over Voat.

The reason @HeyJames is making an issue of doxing is because his overlords don't want to be doxed, but, meanwhile, are holding all the cards and learning about their critics online to silence them.

While I, personally, do not have access to upgoat site statistics, Alexa and Google do. Alexa is deprecated, but still runs behind the scenes.

These services allow you to see how many users a site gets and where they come from and what their age is, etc. Your income. Your phone number. All of this data is pulled and collected from you so that site analystics can break down demographics. In Voat's case, Alexa rankings were very clear about who was visiting from where.

On a site small enough, like this one, if you see site analytics showing a 28 year old female visitor from "Beddgelert", it is really, really easy to figure out exactly which person that is. Alexa rankings, specifically, made it very, very easy to identify Voat users.

So, you guys can threaten to dox me, all you want, but I know who you are working for. In some cases, these shills don't even know, but... the group of downvote brigaders on Voat, when there is a literally a site called "upvotes.club" selling upvotes and downvotes, we know who you are working for.

And so it goes with upgoat. There will be a group of people from upvotes.club here, working to create a market for themselves. There will be a group from SITE Intelligence and Flashpoint Intel. There will be at least one FBI asset on it, one CIA asset on it, etc.

If you talk about guns, there will be an ATF agent assigned.

So, by now, we all already KNOW certain locations are hotspots for venomous vote brigaders. One place is Sterling, Virginia. Another is Central California close to the "Operation Earnest Voice" assets.

If you compare the "dot gov" leaks with truepeoplesearch databases and the locations that show up in Alexa rankings, then you can even identify specific government agents involved in posting on certain sites.

OSINT is being built into our society such that there will be no privacy for anyone. We already know Hunter Biden's Internet history. What makes you guys think that yours isn't just as accessible?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65b1724b885c0

So, now, we have the leftovers from this particular shill movement and they are still pissed that Suzanne Ray Ayson doxxed herself and we added context.

These shills engaged in all types of harassment and one might describe their actions and intent as "evil" and it was certainly in line with the Israeli security firms who, as it turns out, are getting fedboi dollars for monitoring online extremism. The way they monitor online extremism is by pretending to be extremists online.

Now, most of the corporate shills... the ones in it for money, not ideology... they mostly went to the wallstreetbets, GME psy op.

@HeyJames and friends had, basically, won, because they "shut it down" just as the Hunter Biden laptop data started to gain traction. Voat was completely shut down and sharing the most damning evidence was prevented on 8chan, Voat, etc. All the places you used to be able to post no longer were around.

It has gotten so bad that Twitter is now the best place to share information, but it is easy to get shadowbanned.

But, they are still here, downvote brigading and doing their damndest to make sure no one place on the Internet becomes a foothold for good researchers looking into US and Israeli corruption.

Now, look at the pattern of what the downvote brigaders want on the front page and what they want to keep off the front page. They want this place focused on name fagging and drama fagging. Any attempt to post useful information is attacked by this tiny group of assholes who are also responsible for destroying your Voat experience.

If this site gains any traction, whatsoever, the way Voat did, they will destroy it the same way.

Poal is now a one man show. It is officially pointless to post there.

Israel wants these small corners of the Internet to be impotent when it comes to spreading truthful information about Israeli and US corruption within their intelligence firms.

That is why researching pizzagate was so important, because the blackmail operations need to be exposed to get people to act and vote differently.

@HeyJames is a piece of shit who wants the pedo blackmail operations to continue, and so runs interference against any user known to engage in effective muckraking.

@HeyJames belongs in jail for being a traitor and a pedo defender and so do all those other fucktards they are involved with.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65b1724b885c0

Let's go ahead and explore what happened, so that this whining little bitch can finally get his story straight.

Once upon a time, on Voat, I attempted to keep up with and help research people, places and events surrounding 'pizzagate.' This made the shills big mad and they downvote brigaded me constantly, so I created a few accounts to test what information they hated.

Then, I made a website to pump out all the information they hated.

This made the Israelis at SITE Intelligence group big mad and they passed out orders to try to discredit me.

This group at Voat were getting their marching orders from Israeli private intelligence firms. SITE Intelligence (run by Rita Katz) was one and so was Flashpoint intelligence (run by Jeff Lefkowitz) was another.

The Q movement was a bit disjointed because multiple groups wanted control of the Q narrative. Upvotes.Club was another shill group that was involved.

Q, himself, was Coleman Rogers, aka Pamphlet Anon, and this was revealed in his own videos where he can be seen using Q trip codes.

Q got his start on Voat with an account "IamQ", which simply copied information from a talented researcher as his first post. There was no inside classified information, Q was always just copy pasta.

No big deal, but Q was copy pasting from my information output. For that reason, I thought it worth looking into. When I posted the host of "iamQ" email address that were created just before "made it big", srayzie and crensch got big mad.

But why? Why would they care if we proved Q was a shill farm movement? Because they, themselves, were shills.

The Q movement became a merch money grab.

We also have the involvement of defense subcontractors like QinetiQ involved. QinetiQ was run by former CIA director, George Tenet, who went into business for himself making private SCIFs that could be buried underground.

At the same time Suzanne Ray Ayson and her harassing friends were trying to paint me in a bad light, QinetiQ assets were sending bash attacks to my site. One, in particular, traced back to a QinetiQ laptop on a CACI network with a username "abramah" and his password was "goatfucker" or something similar.

Crensch, most assumed, was Suzanne Ray Ayson's husband, and he seemed to be okay with her sending nudes to various mods like Vindicator (fat old man in Washington) where his son was a pizza delivery boy), so that the mods on Voat would dance to her tune.

When this all came to a head, people were posting her nudes all over the place and, rightfully, mocking her for being a thot shill.

KatHarszo, who had enough of Srayzie shit, because srayzie was using multiple accounts and pretending to be multiple people, then doxxed srayzie using srayzie's own information. Suzanne was big mad, but she doxxed herself to Kat Harszo, so who is really to blame? Why be a thot shill sending out nudes and use your own Facebook account to interact with people from the same audience?

When I got doxxed (not hard to do), I simply added to the pile by showing Ayson's online presence all over the Internet, including the court case (her and her teacher were arrested at school, on night), and her flat earth accounts.

But, this group of shills are still terrified that information proving Q's origins will gain traction, they are terrified legitimate pizzagate research would gain traction, and they are terrified of prrof of Hunter Biden's corruption gaining traction.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65b1724b885c0

No, you are a disgusting piece of shit who creates fake outrage and is into drama fagging because you and your friends are shills.

You make up fake bullshit.

But, let's go ahead and refresh everyopne's memeory, since you're such a fuckiong pussy about the doxxing of Suzanne Ray Ayson who sent nudes and used her Facebook account to communicate with voat.

Suzanne Ray Ayson used the username, an allusion to her real name, srayzie, on multiple boards across the Internet, including to sign up for Flat Earth boards.

She revealed her pertinent details to Kat Harszo, who was the one who actually doxxed her, publicly, even though I already knew who she was.

Then, when I got doxxed, I simply dog piled on and shared the court case where she and her teacher were arrested at school after hours.

So, you want to talk about the dox, there it is.

Suzanne Ray Ayson, using her nudes, try to take over multiple subverses in Voat so that only approved messaging was allowed.

Because doxxing Q, aka Coleman Rogers, aka Pamph Anon, was not approved messaging, the shills made up lies, which you repeat, here, now, years later.

Ergo, you are drama spamming, drama fagging shill.

You accusation that I doxxed someone you know is false. It was Kat Harszo, I just added to the pile.

Do I know the dox of many users from back then? Yes. Have I shared it? No.

So, stop lying you piece of shit.

We know who you are.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=65b10376a22d9

Hello, coward. Block me to save us both time. I'm pretty sure you're a piece of shit.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=65b10376a22d9

he is building a database for his penis recognition software

so help him out, for science

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65addc790d285


/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=65addc790d285