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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 129 (+133/-4)
ccp: 204 (+216/-12)
votes given: 518 (+510/-8)
score: 333


bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

ah, a simple minded nigger.

yes dear. you get plasma by drawing blood, full of iron, then separating it.

technical terms not really your thing, but that's fine. no one expects niggers to be able to thunk

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60bedda4b8a3a

bob3 3 points 3.0 years ago

he's doing it for imaginary internet attention points. A dangerous drug

/v/MeanwhileOnPoal viewpost?postid=60c3545c4442d

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

y not? Its pure, and a spiral. Best kind of spiral. reclaiming it

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=60c2c723ca64f

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

but sea level rise and groundwater

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=60c2d5cece3e8

bob3 6 points 3.0 years ago

nigger count increased by 1 OP

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60c2d08e81d3e

bob3 1 point 3.0 years ago*

no. it has no aesthetic and the purity spiral is fucked up by the seat and screen. If you'd stuck it on the front cowling, then it would look sweet

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=60c2c723ca64f

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago*

The reference range for plasma iron in the adult male is 9–29 μmol l−1 with a slightly lower range for females (7–27 μmol l−1).

fuck all iron in your plasma, nigger

most of the iron is in the form of hemoglobin (iron protein) in your red blood corpuscles, but you'd have to not be a nigger to understand that. Simply put, plasma is the liquid, the cells are the rest

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60bedda4b8a3a

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago*

That's based negotiating tactics.
Almost as if the commander in chief is still taking an extreme 'fuck iran' stance.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=60bed6bd77261

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

I say: "last time i did a medical trial, i was paid $8k, and that was for synthetic cannabis. I'm holding out for $40k on this one as its so dangerous.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=60bec756727c6

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

> It is possible that the lower latitude children are not typically exposed to mirrors in home life and are simply going through developmental steps later because stimuli are introduced later. Future experiments should control for this.

oh fuck off

/v/RaceRealism viewpost?postid=60beba8186d3c

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

people seem to believe the idea that 'race is a construct' is established science. As opposed to political bullshit.

wokesoc's control of history is nearly complete.

/v/RaceRealism viewpost?postid=60beba8186d3c

bob3 0 points 3.0 years ago

as always: but, is it satire? really?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=60bd80a30984b

bob3 2 points 3.0 years ago

plasma with spike proteins is literal poison

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60bedda4b8a3a

bob3 2 points 3.0 years ago

no iron in your plasma... look it up

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60bedda4b8a3a

bob3 3 points 3.0 years ago

1) normie stocks contaminated with spike protein from vaccine, have to dump

2) elites use plasma to stay young

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60bedda4b8a3a

bob3 2 points 3.0 years ago*

all the ivy leagues have fallen. Mine keeps putting out these vapid woke virtue signals. I wrote to them and told them that they were devaluing my qualifications and should stop, but might as well piss into the wind

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60bd2b4eb0f47

bob3 1 point 3 years ago

i can tell you don't have kids

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60af9f0d4f2ca

bob3 0 points 3 years ago

hopefully after they've killed them all, and shortly before jerusalem is glassed

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60af9f0d4f2ca

bob3 0 points 3 years ago

the 'free donut' is just a way to get around the legal requirement to pay participants in medical trials. $30-40k? nah, free donuts.

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=60affd2df1be5

bob3 4 points 3 years ago

they look like damaged buttholes

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60acb50c5a169

bob3 -1 points 3 years ago

I'm thinking that a tattoo like that is the perfect 'ive been vaccinated, honest' get out for those of us who don't want to comply, but will have a hard decade if we don't

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=60a880bdd2045

bob3 1 point 3 years ago

hating jews does not mean loving muzzie scum

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60a85a8d8ccae