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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 64 (+77/-13)
ccp: -2 (+57/-59)
votes given: 46 (+41/-5)
score: 62


TwoTone 1 point 1.3 years ago

Law enforcement are the terrorists. Are they warning about themselves?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64038f35a9d9e

TwoTone 1 point 1.3 years ago

What exactly leads you to believe you can declare what I assume?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6402b664c909a

TwoTone 2 points 1.3 years ago

You're doing a terrible job at it. You should go to @prototype school of hard knocks.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6402b664c909a

TwoTone 2 points 1.3 years ago

That doesn't explain why you constantly repost the same shit, over and over again. You completely ignored this question.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6402b664c909a

TwoTone 2 points 1.3 years ago

Is all you do here constantly report the same content that gets mass downvoted for being retarded?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6402b664c909a

TwoTone 0 points 1.3 years ago

Sure, they may be desperate enough to try.

The Mexican's are as dumb as the ameritard virtue signal crowd, though. They won't fall for it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64025f6d698e9

TwoTone 0 points 1.3 years ago

Extremely unlikely when illegals can just walk into the Country and get better aid / medical / housing preference and treatment than Americans already.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64025f6d698e9

TwoTone 1 point 1.3 years ago

Whatever will the USSA do now that their woke tranny run armed forces don't have a supply of retards willing to sign up to die for israel while wearing skirts and high heels in battle?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64025f6d698e9

TwoTone 3 points 1.3 years ago

>I can't watch horror movies, because idiots annoy me very much.

Probably the funniest thing Conspirologist has ever typed unironically.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=6402227295d23

TwoTone 1 point 1.3 years ago

Women should not be given any authority or responsibility, without expecting poor and destructive outcomes.

All TV politics is theater, and those who advocate it are just consuming garbage junk food and wasting their lives.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=64017115c8d74

TwoTone 0 points 1.3 years ago

>As long as The Beast is allowed to exist, there will be no uprising. The Beast is technology.

This precise level of luddite, low-IQ ignorance is why we are losing. Cannot calibrate smooth brain functionality enough and merely thinks a magical make-believe return to the stone age is the only winning outcome.

At the end of the day, the other side has the intelligent people, and ours is held captive by a bunch of autistic and religious morons.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6401854639e70

TwoTone 2 points 2.5 years ago

I just got done mentioning Operation Gladio below. That's definitely an important one. Shows how shit is hidden from sight.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61acd49b637cc

TwoTone 2 points 2.5 years ago

Confessions expands upon the foundation of books like Jekyll island, to show the outcome and how the modern systems are being used in ways that are hidden from the sheep. Confessions is probably the most important modern works (in my opinion) to understand the outcome of things like the creation of the Fed.

Jeff Berwick does a great job surmising all the systems that have been implemented since the ~80's, through the rapid onset of government tyranny after 9-11. Jeff's book surmises things even further, including the revelations from Confessions.

To someone who hasn't studied the history of things like the creation of the CIA and the black books of the Vatican, it's important to start with Confessions and work your way up to The Controlled Demolition - but you can legitimately just start with The Controlled Demolition because Berwick does such a good job of getting right to the point.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61acd49b637cc

TwoTone 1 point 2.5 years ago

Have the PDF, brilliant on the video version. Thanks!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61acd49b637cc

TwoTone 1 point 2.5 years ago

Very dense read, but I read that before Confessions.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61acd49b637cc

TwoTone 2 points 2.5 years ago

"There is no such thing as a peaceful revolution"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61a925f97e793

TwoTone 1 point 2.6 years ago

Gut-check says these also need to be archived.

- https://archive.md/HqsM7
- https://archive.md/Zsq3g

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=617da0f69600b

TwoTone 3 points 2.6 years ago

Welcome to NuVoat, where most of the Feds and chatbots act exactly like he poster you are replying to.

Enjoy, I guess. Same old shiting in the floor as old voat.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=6168324702827

TwoTone 1 point 2.6 years ago

Inquiring minds want to know, do the Chinese also have a Jew problem?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6166d93a3fcba

TwoTone 0 points 2.6 years ago

It gets better! Just wait until the next time you fly after this happens.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6164e7b94e4fc

TwoTone 0 points 2.6 years ago

The system used is poorly designed & implemented.

You can get false positives by just having a name that is similar to someone else on the list.

Best part is, once that happens, you'll always get to enjoy delays when enjoying your rights those agencies don't have any actual authority over in the first place.

Ain't America awesome?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6164e7b94e4fc

TwoTone 2 points 2.6 years ago

Realistically, we'd be better off without most of the current teachers.

Lowest paid in the entire Western world, and easily manipulated because of that.

"Those that can, do. Those who can't, teach".

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=6164c73456e27

TwoTone 0 points 2.6 years ago

Close. The next mainstream digital ID will be digital identity through a centralized, global IMF/BIF controlled blockchain.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616492aa32890

TwoTone 3 points 2.7 years ago

Hopefully, they're well-armed.

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=615e10e22ef84