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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 87 (+95/-8)
ccp: 181 (+200/-19)
votes given: 456 (+428/-28)
score: 268


Sweet! I look forward to 1st world medical care, days at the poolside, and nights enjoying concerts of classical music.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65cd0ac1a3367

Is this what Christians think native European paganism is?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65cc5162d8154

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and [s]avoid them[/s] subscribe." - Romans 16:17

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=65c00d55152ed

It's probably fucking with you because you asked it to send bobs and vagine

/v/MeanwhileOnGab viewpost?postid=65be9a6f0109a

A monkey owns the bar. It's probably a lesbian and staves off Dalton's advances. Otherwise looks like violent fun.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=65beafb089e82

What would an aNaRcHiSt mean by 'your'?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65be9dd303ae8

This was posted not long ago, and I remember folks asked, did he ded? I don't remember the answer. I hope his skull was caved in.

/v/Gore viewpost?postid=65be95e253335

That was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, and I have seen beheadings.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65be8d267dc93

You’re just jealous you didn’t think of BaalsDeep first.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6393e3a3e34d9

BaalsDeep 1 point 1.5 years ago

Because rosacea is caused by gut parasites.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=639469687948d

All the christian copers here be like "Noooo! Real christianity has never been tried!!!"

Use your adult brains and break the childhood programming.

We love you niggerfaggots.

/v/History viewpost?postid=63942b33cd7b7

BaalsDeep 1 point 1.5 years ago

Aahckchewally they do give a shit. They’re not neutral, and they’re not with you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=637f7bc1c8596

I have a mickey mouse coin from disneyland...
Holy shit!

/v/History viewpost?postid=637ef48ed7148

The use of milk predates the use of farming. This is dumb.

/v/History viewpost?postid=634efaa0e78e0

Is it me or this another one of those hidden happy merchant memes? I think I see it.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=634e575bb184b

Surrender? When?
Is that when the Gauls sacked Rome? When Charlemagne saved Europe from the Saracens and Huns? Maybe you're thinking of Napolean then?
The French don't surrender anymore than you question history as written by jews.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=634e5b3eba32e

Needs echoes or blue hue or something.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634e3e7d2167d

Probably get to go to Heaven.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=634e5c8ba3ba8

Not a liar, not gay, I'm just old. I was about 30 when I realized I'm not sexually attracted to 16 year old girls, and all it took was a little self-reflection. 16 year old girls are beautiful, as is all youth, but you're a dirty jew if you think all beauty and attraction is sexual in nature.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=634e5c8ba3ba8