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Member for: 3 years

scp: 51 (+53/-2)
ccp: 58 (+65/-7)
votes given: 77 (+59/-18)
score: 109


You can click the link for the rest of the article, but I copied the highlights.

Of course he later halfway repudiated his statements, but I thought it was funny.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f1092c29449

Thank you fight night hero for those links, I never had any idea what happened to the old Voat...

And thank you System, good call on the ban. Anyone who promotes flat earth and men-are-pigs/women-are-pigs (ie any project that splits the sexes) is an obvious agent. Or in my opinion, presenting charlottesville and jan 6 as anything other than gay Intel hoaxes. And obviously claiming to rape men in prison.

What a tool- do you guys know you are destroying your own souls/spirits by perverting the truth this way? (I'm don't consider myself a Christian btw, just mean spirit in a general sense) And for what, a few shekels and empty comforts? You don't have to go down in flames, you know. Just stop going down this path...you must know deep down what this is doing to you?

/v/ProtectTalk viewpost?postid=61eb1ad635c73


Miles Mathis has at least one paper on Breivik - He comes from the same top jewish lines as they all do, and the whole thing is another jewish hoax.

Miles also exposes Hitler as being from the same families, used to blackwash true White ideals and destroy the German people.

His essays on art, history, science, culture and famous people are all amazing and expose these jewish hoaxes and lies from the phoenicians and babylonians through Eastern and Western Rome (jewish emperors and popes) to all the royal houses of Europe, to masons and Marx to politicians and actors and all famous artists anymore. The nuclear hoax, 9-11, how they blackwash all real conspiracies with fake ones etc.etc. etc. Some of the best white pills I've ever come across interspersed every once in a while.

Most prolific writer ever, presumably an amazing artist of the old style, of northern european stock, not jewish, could revolutionize modern physics overnight if the world paid attention to him.

Most mindblowing truths I've ever come across in my decades of relentless truth-seeking, maybe along with several of Tallest_Skil's rare longform posts, and Asha Logos's videos about the hidden history of the White race.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61ea625c75c0d

Why get out of debt? The rest of these are great, but I don't get number 3. Declare bankruptcy if it is a lot, or just stop paying if you don't have legally removable assets and/or wages. Or if you are one of those people that uses debt to make money. They aren't putting people in jail over debt. Why pay the banksters? And if the system collapses it won't matter anyway, right? Or am I missing something important?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61cb91a2bed54

You dumb faggot, Trump IS a fucking jew. He played his role. Fuck off with this nonsense.

/v/AnarchoCapitalism viewpost?postid=619e237e4df80

Mileswmathis.com All about how everything is a Jewish hoax.

milesmathis.com (no w) All his science papers. Corrects a bunch of glaring fundamental errors in physics that have led to all the modern day bullshit science - quantum mechanics, dark matter etc Absolute must read stuff for anyone intersted in science. Read this stuff and instantly know more about how the world works than literally everybody else, except the top jews who've been surpressing this stuff for their own evil ends and personal use.

Highly recommend!

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60dfdee33e000


OP -Very good questions! The answers to your questions are here... you are going to love this, trust me.

His other site mileswmathis.com is all of his essays on Jewish fakery and subversion, but the first link has his corrections to modern physics, he goes into everything you mentioned.

/v/science viewpost?postid=60c9631ecc446