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Member for: 2.3 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: -77 (+24/-101)
votes given: 1 (+1/-0)
score: -77


the only neon green is you cunt, smoke meth and have anal sex. Kat has said it the best ever while faking a marrae and meeting people irl.

you still want to "take that"

plus shes a very fat, and lives at home in her mid 30's with her parents. Whom her dad she admitted to hate and finds annoying.

I never lie. I am an Angel of god... Meant TO STRIKE UPON THEEE


you see many of my posts im think of song lyrics... even my own.

DID you know, on old voat I reply to and have complete conversations with retards like you. It would be funny cause the smart ones see almost insanly fast.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6210fc08ecd27

i dont like you, i think you are hack.

Never reply to me again.

Practice self control


/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62112e494a4ab

once again you proven this site is useless for information

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62112e494a4ab

stupid fucking nigger

if i were a betting man, i'd say you are a kat alt./

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6210fc08ecd27

I have been watching you, something about you... hmmmmmmmmmmmm

im am a genius you know, you see im fighting hive mind.

as much as people here say they are free speech including @system this site is hard to have free speech unless you get into a hive mind.

I remember a kiss ass post to system about he had no user base.... no he made and advertised the site as voat. and he got voats armpit. He also vote manipulated along with cyna and i garantee he still does.

I see people here demonize AOU (i hate him too) system is no different. The retarded flock dont see it cause they blinded by retarded memes. And I called out leafa and got hate for it. And, there is waaay more on the list

My tract record is impeccable on calling out bullshit to the point I live in thier heads rent free.

I dont participate in these sites at fucking all. Sysystem has lied about still to this day the lie is there. Since, the inception of this site. And he expects me just to ignore it.

He sold the site out to goatpen people, basical soap people... the ones that he claimed he hated.

@system is not to be trusted. HE LIE



and this site is fuuuucking far from freee thought and speech and opinion. Im proof of it./

also they were getting so lame in disscusion i had to bring out dial.

its full they talk or reference talk in they name of this podcast..... does this mean @system okayed and endorses it?



^^ good shit \m/


Also, I remember you from old voat. You always had a interesting perspective on things. I dont (nor do I expect) think you remember, but we've had some conversations a long time ago.

Glad to see you are doing well and stomping around, will have to see what you've been up to here.


I also find it fucking hilarious on how much shit they poal and its users, when they act and are doing and copying the exact same thing as them.

you seriously cannot make this shit up on the level of retardation.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=6211288d3161f

fucking retard, you been here 11 months and ive NEVER EVER HEARD OF YOU

stupid niggers like you is reason sites like blow fucking ass

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6210fc08ecd27