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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 340 (+423/-83)
ccp: 107 (+170/-63)
votes given: 800 (+795/-5)
score: 447


Well, to keep people coming back, you basically need to automate content. So, he should have some feeds built into the home page. Otherwise, he might as well just make a subverse or a subreddit for all the amount of visitors he might get.

ChatGPT will also SEO the crap out of your site.

I recommend he use ChatGPT to write his code.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b48db1a55dd

Kenny on vocals and Glen Campbell on electric guitar.

/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=65b4c62fed46f

Well, I'm not a great graphic artist by any means, but he should shoot for using modern fonts and have less clutter.

Darker background with easy to read text. Potentially provide dark mode/light mode.

Here are some shots from my site.



Primarily, my site's function was to scrape news and put it in text to make it easy to read all the news in one place.


But, I also included articles and whatnot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b48db1a55dd

Yeah. Been following this one. Waiting for the tox screen.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65b4c52acc09a

at least it is illegal

many places it is not

occasionally, in my investigations... like into the cannibal web spaces... you come across some sick shit.

what people can do to animals... can really hurt to see.

i just can't really fathom the motivation.

/v/WeirdNews viewpost?postid=65b4b7a0404b0

What kind of camera do you use?

You are actually getting closer to hitting the golden ratio more than you used to.


/v/SmedleysPhotography viewpost?postid=65b49b560bd54


/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=65b4c62fed46f

that is a good idea for a browser addon

whatever happened to dissenter?

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=65b417a71bbcf

That was the first thing I saw. My eyes just glaze over when I see it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b48db1a55dd

can't wait til the thot craze dies down from this

so many chicks over estimating their attractiveness

maybe in the right mood, but, generally, no i don't need to see some fat chick flapping her ass cheeks.

bitch, i don't want pimply overly high def pics and vids... just give me some molly, percocet, a blowjob and a sandwich.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65b3efe548a51

I never use that. I forgot it was even here.

/v/books viewpost?postid=62ef078d705ae

I'm surprised at how much butthurt is still to be had about some thot doxxing herself.

He gave up the game when he tried to claim that I said Q was real, when, in fact, I bitched the whole way about Q constantly copying from my feeds from day 1.

Like... why lie? Only reason is if he was a shill.

And, as we've learned from a handful of university studies, news articles and security reports, the primary reason these shills exist is to control information on corrupt political actors. That is why I don't really have any empathy for them, because they are a special kind of scum.

Ultimately, the last thing they seem to want is legitimate information going viral or mainstream.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65b1724b885c0

Are you going through my comments? I put this on an old post for a reason. It is just for reference, later, because HeyJames has 5 year old butthurt for some retarded reason and keeps drudging up fake ancient history that he makes up to suit his needs.

/v/books viewpost?postid=62ef078d705ae

The solution is simple. Don't dox me and there is nothing to worry about.

I WAS laying low and minding my own business, but HeyJames doxxed me. So, I hope you are referring to him. Because he is the one who told everyone who I was and wanted to advertise it because he is butthurt.

So... wheredo you apply the standard? It's okay for everyone to dox me, but not the other way around, right?

And why... why do people who don't want to be doxxed dox me? Aren't they just asking for it?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65b1724b885c0

hugh hefner blackmail honeypots dropping like flies

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=65b4ad5fcd1dd

Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate. You HAVE to choose.

It is so tiresome.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65b4aba78e11b

You should fit right in with them?

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=65b49e11af0ad

Nothing ever happens. You guys know that.

Glimmer of hope? Sure. But Feds shooting at Staties isn't really the brother war I'm hoping for.

A few missiles into cartel leadership would be the best place to start.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65b3cb32a477f


Gematria, man?

Can't do it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b48db1a55dd

Tell her to stop smoking weed.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65b46da76f03e

I'm not much for Rick & Morty because it is super gay, but thank God somebody pointed out how gay dragons are.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b47dd7e62f7