True to form, they're now saying "No one was forced to be vaccinated." I think we all called that one.     (archive.ph)
submitted by totes_magotes to MeanwhileOnReddit 2.1 years ago (+90/-0)
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I think maybe we should start using the "but no one forced you to have sex" line on the pro-abortion freaks and watch them flip out.
Private Massachusetts Catholic school is EXCOMMUNICATED by local bishop for refusing to remove BLM and Pride flags after being warned both represent ideologies that 'contradict' church teaching     (archive.ph)
submitted by coldsoak to whatever 2.0 years ago (+81/-1)
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Kike lies about a fake anti-semitic incident, gets no charge. German goes to prison for commenting about it on faceberg.     (archive.ph)
submitted by NationalSocialism to HateCrimeHoaxes 1.9 years ago (+78/-0)
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(JTA) — A German man has been sentenced to seven months in prison for leaving a hateful comment on a Facebook post about the case of Gil Ofarim, a German-Israeli singer who was charged with lying about an antisemitism incident at a hotel last year.

“In Buchenwald he would have liked to be seen with his Star of David,” the 38-year-old man from the German city of Niesky wrote on the account of TAG24, a German news website, according to a report by Radio Lausitz, a German news radio channel.
Babylon bee banned from Twitter for calling Rachel Levine Man of the Year      (archive.ph)
submitted by v0atmage to ClownWorld 2.2 years ago (+77/-0)
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It's ON! Elon Calls For Boycott of (((NY Times))) Over White Genocide     (archive.ph)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 10 months ago (+76/-1)
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"The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide! If ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now.

You can read their articles for free anyway using http://removepaywall.com."
Republican Senate candidate in Arizona blames gun violence on “Black people”     (archive.ph)
submitted by beece to politics 2 years ago (+72/-0)
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School nurse suspended for revealing that several of her pupils are secretly being given tranny hormone blockers by the school     (archive.ph)
submitted by Broc_Liath to politics 2.2 years ago (+71/-0)
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"Iran ‘mapping’ Worldwide locations of Jewish NGO Leaders for ‘hit squads to target’ in event of attack by Israel"     (archive.ph)
submitted by beece to War 1.3 years ago (+69/-0)
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"Catherine Perez-Shakdam, who has previously been granted an audience with Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and also met with Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s hardline president, told The Jewish Chronicle that it had been revealed at a meeting in Tehran that hit squads could be deployed if Israel ever attacked Iran....

Ms Perez-Shakdam, an analyst who has contributed to pro-Iranian websites and the Russian state-backed TV channel, RT, said the participants were unaware she is Jewish."
Jerzy Sarnecki is responsible for hiding crime statistics based on race because 95% of rapes were by non-swedes     (archive.ph)
submitted by NationalSocialism to Jews 2.3 years ago (+67/-0)
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discord ceo is jewish. alt right groups purged     (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.3 years ago (+67/-0)
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'Citron and Vishnevskiy knew they had to make a fast choice about the amount of regulation to impose on their platform, a similar type of reckoning that has taken place more recently on Twitter and Facebook over President Trump’s comments. Over fall 2017, they deleted roughly 100 Alt-Right groups from Discord, a first step. They promised themselves there’d be more to come.'

jews have two main weaknesses that ive seen- white nationalism and naming the jew. nothing else seems to ruffle their feathers so much because jews remember that Whites kicked them out of countries and know that we could do it again if we were unfied enough. thats why jews sponsored the man behind the kalergi plan ( https://archive.ph/gEnpj#selection-1145.0-1161.17
) for ex which praised jews as the best race of euope and promoted Whites being mixed into a nigger hybrid. this kalergi jew funded creature was even responsible for choosing the anthem for the eu which has niggerfied europe.. strange cohencidence i would think (kalergi was a mutt himself of austrian/japanese mixture)

naming the jew keeps jews from being able to assume Whiteness and therefore be exempt from all crimes because 'muh White supremacy' and never the true jewish supremacy. thus they are able to remain eternal victims while moving hidden behind the curtain

and no, jews are not White


thus, movements that proclaim one or both of these things will face repeated persecution by jews and thus ((western governments)) who of course always prioritize jewish needs over Whites with muh anti-semitism laws. wonder why..

kalergi plan = In his 1925 book Practical Idealism, Coudenhove-Kalergi envisioned an all-encompassing race of the future made up of "Eurasian-Negroid(s)," replacing "the diversity of peoples" and "[t]oday's races and classes" with a "diversity of individuals."

Anti-Semitic blogger, 56, who believes 'Hitler was right' is jailed for 18 weeks for saying Jewish people use Holocaust as 'eternal cash cow'     (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to JewishPrivilege 2.2 years ago (+66/-0)
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History of rigged machines: Jeffrey Epstein “won” the POWERBALL lottery in 2008     (archive.ph)
submitted by mxcviel to Cohencidences 1.6 years ago (+64/-0)
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and more recent from 2d ago:
"Today’s fun fact to talk about at work- the day billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein reported to jail in 2008 for soliciting prostitution from a minor he also WON THE POWERBALL LOTTERY!
To make that even shadier the drawing wasn’t televised like it normally was.
There was also a computer malfunction that pre-empted the televised broadcast of the Sunday draw, and instead the drawing was held later and monitored by an auditing firm."

with comments under
Woops. Some intern forgot to close comments on a whitehouse youtube video again...     (archive.ph)
submitted by Broc_Liath to funny 2.2 years ago (+62/-0)
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Peer reviewed study proves everything we said about the vax. Reddit discusses, acts like they either knew all along, no one could have known, that it was normal, and that it's not a big deal. Those admitting we were right are treated like shit.     (archive.ph)
submitted by totes_magotes to aII 1.4 years ago (+62/-0)
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For those who care about the study title: "Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis"

Remember kids, sort by controversial to see the vaxxed fear and hatred in action.
When you hear about how the 'British' destroyed China through opium, remember that it was actually jews running things     (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.3 years ago (+61/-0)
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'They (Sassoons) filled the functions of the various branches of his business in India, Burma, Malaya, and east Asia. He cemented the family's dominant position in the Sino-Indian opium trade'
(UK) (2021) 'The same poll also found an openness to antisemitism among many young people; 14% of all young people polled, and 19% of young men, claimed they believed that “Jewish people have an unhealthy control over the world’s banking system”.'     (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to Whitepill 2.3 years ago (+61/-0)
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Jewish woman busted for scrawling swastikas in Brooklyn’s Borough Park     (archive.ph)
submitted by coldsoak to JewishCrimesMatter 2 years ago (+61/-0)
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Irish teacher locked up and subsequently released over refusal to use tranny pronouns defies court order again. He’s back at school on the first day after the Christmas break in a massive fuck you to the Irish courts.     (archive.ph)
submitted by Irelandlost to news 1.4 years ago (+59/-0)
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Any reading the article: Garda, Gardaí, and An Garda Síochána are just names for the police service in Ireland.
There’s no energy crisis.      (archive.ph)
submitted by PostWallHelena to Retarded 1.4 years ago (+59/-0)
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It’s Been 80 Days Since Maxwell’s Conviction and Not a Single Child Rapist Client Has Been Arrested     (archive.ph)
submitted by coldsoak to news 2.2 years ago (+58/-0)
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We tried to tell you: Reality hits home for these redditors as they discuss how the vaccine fucks up their uterus and how it was covered up.     (archive.ph)
submitted by totes_magotes to MeanwhileOnReddit 1.9 years ago (+57/-0)
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Continue blaming every death on the vaxx because it's working: They're getting too mad to see straight.     (archive.ph)
submitted by totes_magotes to aII 1.4 years ago (+57/-0)
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They blamed every death on COVID. It's only fair.
LOL - Gov’t Forced to Ban 3D-Printed Guns from Buybacks After Activist Makes Thousands to Prove Important Point     (archive.ph)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 1.9 years ago (+56/-0)
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Yemen declares war on israel      (archive.ph)
submitted by Version6 to whatever 7 months ago (+57/-1)
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94% of new hires at S&P 100 companies were shitskins     (archive.ph)
submitted by Spaceman84 to news 8 months ago (+55/-0)
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