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A new level of magnet magic of which I was previously unaware

submitted by WolvenWargod to science 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 18:30:04 ago (+19/-0)     (youtube.com)


The potential applications are absolutely vast. They've had this for decades, I'm sure.

34 comments block

[ - ] localsal 8 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 19:06:26 ago (+8/-0)

Superconductors at -160C have been around for a long time.

Ambient temps of -160C are pretty hard (and expensive) to maintain.

The holy grail of superconductors is room temperature - and that would revolutionize a lot of things.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 5 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 19:49:58 ago (+5/-0)

I'm pretty sure we could have figured something out if we weren't wasting trillions of dollars babysitting millions of nigs and nogs.

But I'm not an economist

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:51:24 ago (+2/-0)

Pretty sure it's already figured out and being kept from us in the name of profit and agenda.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 22:08:26 ago (+0/-0)

Well they created an entire industry around cds when they already had the mp3 so there ya go

[ - ] GreenSaint 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 23:05:46 ago (+1/-0)

I miss limewire. Torrenting feels different these days.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 3 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 23:10:08 ago (+3/-0)

I miss limewire.

my computer got aids several times using that shit

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 09:23:08 ago (+1/-0)

I got sued by Metallica because of Napster.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 14:04:18 ago (+0/-0)

I got sued by Metallica because of Napster.

that must sucked balls, i think i used limewire and kazaa

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:51:35 ago (+2/-0)

Seynd moar tax payor munniez 2 yookrane?!

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:51:26 ago (+1/-1)

not only nignogs, but think where humanity would be if we hadnt wasted our ressources on stuff like jEwellry, makeup, sports, racing cars, cathedrals, vacations, popstars, hollywood, operas and what not.

i mean yeah, classical music shall be preserved, but is it really necessary for every major city to have an orchestra??

we are riding a fine line here though, as without all those things mentioned above, would we still be human?

its the amount that makes a poison..

[ - ] rhy 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 21:06:21 ago (+1/-0)

agree about everything but orchestras.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 2 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 21:52:20 ago (+2/-0)*

Racing cars and cathedrals are pretty tit. The inate adversarial need to outdo each other is a powerful force

[ - ] Steelerfish 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 00:26:24 ago (+0/-0)

If the Karen’s playing woodwinds don’t have a job to keep their mouths occupied, they tend to be irritating.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 09:13:12 ago (+0/-0)

"holy grail is SC at room temperature"

Lmfao, no...the actual "holy grail" is scalar longitutdinal wave formation/manipulation

[ - ] localsal 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 15:32:38 ago (+0/-0)

I would disagree. Air has a resistance to it for wave propagation, making it way less efficient than a superconductor would be.

Also, the waves would have to be tightly controlled to get the same power density as in a wire with minimal straying and losses.

Not to mention the fact that objects (people, animals, etc) could (probably will) end up in the path and die.

The last one is one of the reasons that laser and wireless power is not a long distance thing (aside from the horrible spreading that occurs).

No way a power station would send all the power over the air if a superconductor would give zero losses.

[ - ] observation1 3 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 19:07:43 ago (+3/-0)*

Hard to justify economically because they cost so much but there exists 5 or 6 trains that actually use this:


Scientists today are tinkering with a way to use enormous pressure to make a room temperature superconductor out of hydrogens and carbons.

They basically use a press, like this:


Which can create pressures so high.
They can press down the same as the pressure as in the middle of the planet. The pressure is so high you can do special things like combine elements that would otherwise be impossible. I think the caveat is that it has to stay in the compressed position to maintain desired "room-temperature superconductor" properties.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 19:56:25 ago (+1/-0)

When it's in the compressed state start blasting it with random radiations and frequencies until the magic happens, like some kind of field containment from sci fi. I'm asking for trouble, I know, so do it out in the desert next to some Navajo reservation or something.

But I'm not a scientist

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:19:10 ago (+1/-0)

This isn't marvel.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:23:45 ago (+1/-0)

Marvel is fantasy. I was thinking of something more like Star Trek or Event Horizon

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry -1 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:54:30 ago (+0/-1)

Event Horizon isn't fantasy? That movie is a kike fever dream about demons overtaking and slaughtering White people, White men specifically. Don't go explore space goy, you might find hell.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 21:53:45 ago (+1/-0)

The way you put it sounds like reality to me brother

[ - ] McNasty 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 21:49:02 ago (+1/-1)

Space is fake and gay. Another jew lie.

[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 09:15:01 ago (+1/-0)

agreed...and all their scientific "arguments" are child minded and inferior...the ashkenazi have an average iq of 84 actually, without lies, they are retarded like niggers

Understand this and you can see through them so easily

[ - ] I_am_baal 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:01:43 ago (+1/-0)

I think the idea is that they'll construct a molecule that maintains insane levels of compression on the molecular structures responsible for superconductivity. If successful, they won't need a press.

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:18:35 ago (+0/-0)

Not the same thing. One uses timed electromagnets. The other uses a liquid nitrogen cooled superconductor.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 19:51:29 ago (+1/-0)

Unleavened bread anyone? What? Oh, my bad.

This is third grade public school level.

[ - ] WolvenWargod [op] 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:27:15 ago (+0/-0)

The joke or the science?

If it's the science I'd like to move to the country where third grade public school science classes cover this phenomenon.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 19:24:39 ago (+1/-0)

Seen this, very cool

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 20:59:37 ago (+0/-0)

Literally and figuratively. 😎

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 09:15:31 ago (+0/-0)

that Youtube channel is a kike

Why are you giving kikes views?

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 01:28:16 ago (+0/-0)

Super weird that you can force it to hover at different distances.from the magnet.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 11 monthsMay 29, 2023 00:44:11 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ButtToucha9000 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 23:52:38 ago (+0/-0)

They showed this on 3-2-1 contact 40 years ago.

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 11 monthsMay 28, 2023 23:15:34 ago (+0/-0)

The same youtuber talking about the honey badger:
