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Calling all tech goats

submitted by SignedUp to technology 12 monthsApr 29, 2023 20:07:11 ago (+4/-1)     (technology)

Any users here working on any interesting tech projects? Could be a program, a game, whatever really.
Everything here is just boring reposts or walls of text so let's see if there are people actually working on OC.

26 comments block

Kozel 0 points 11 months ago

Oh yeah bluetack and peerguardian, I remember those. I'm not paying them $10 I don't torrent warez :)

I'm using the Firehol lists under firewall aliases and snort/et/abuse.ch lists on intrusion detection. And Maltral bans funny actors without an iplist if you add BlocklistMaltrail alias to firewall. Crowdsec does something similar with purportedly zero false positives.