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Einstein was more than wrong. The truth behind Light's "duality". Nearly 100 years lost in a dead end of science due to Jewish nonsense.

submitted by VarlotPsykhe to science 12 monthsApr 26, 2023 17:01:54 ago (+33/-12)     (files.catbox.moe)


The facts of the matter are stated plainly for all to see:


"Ask and you shall surely receive."

I asked for the true answer to the nature of our reality, and boy did I receive.

Ironically, just like where Einstein got hung up and got the world wrapped up in materialist, atomistic lies, so too with this same aspect we will find the truth: Lux Et Veritas. Light Is Truth.

And what better place to start than with the abject lunacy of the materialists' Quantum insanity?

Firstly, light is observed to have wave-like behavior (for a wave is what something does, not what something is) due to the fact that nothing is actually travelling; rather, the "speed" of light is erroneously thought of as something moving when in fact it's just the maximum speed that the aether itself can be disturbed. Something can have a speed without the object itself moving (i.e., the speed of sound is the speed of induction through the medium, same with light).

But I can almost hear your atomistic minds fuming. Wasn't the aether disproved already? No, there were 200+ models of the Aether in antiquity and only 1 got disproved. What's better is that Tesla had his own take on it, something known as "Elastic Aether" or the "Dynamic Aether" model.

Observe the following diagram. The top half of the image shows the conjugate field geometries of the dielectric and magnetic field pressures around a permanent magnet. Notice how the magnetic fields pinch the Dielectric into a "plane" of inertia near its center. Ken colored the dielectric field green in both examples. Notice how, in Light, that field which so curiously after Faraday and Maxwell, science, and Einstein and quantum assholes pretended like doesn't exist; that field modality is now the Z-Axis of the light photon or THE MEDIUM IF YOU WILL.


Stand in awe with me at the glory of creation, of the absolute, and join me in anger when you realize the divinity of what they have stolen from us. Updated toroidal representation of what the light-circuit actually looks like: https://files.catbox.moe/9i1ik2.png

What is the Dielectric? Ken Wheeler explains:


The primary half of the conjugate field modalities of the dielectric and the magnetic field. The inertial (capacitance, energy) or dielectric torsional, and lastly the circular magnetic. Dielectric is the capacitance potential of counterspace. Dielectric loss is defined as magnetism, increasing potential terminating towards and into counterspace is so defined as increasing of the dielectric inductance or charge. The smaller the space, the higher the dielectric, or capacitance. Space is the attribute of the magnetic which itself is the absence of or discharge of the dielectric. Counterspace is the medium of the dielectric which is the presence of the Ether under torsion, or as meant dielectric charge. The so-called electron is merely one unit of dielectric inductance as so conceptualized by Atomistic ignorance. J.J. Thomson considered the electron the terminal end of one unit line of dielectric induction. The dielectric manifests from and vanishes into counterspace, whereas magnetism manifests space itself, which while having no properties, has the attribute of magnitude & the measure of time or lag. The plane of inertia is the dielectric 45 degrees from magnetic flux and 90 degrees from gyromagnetic precession where force is inverted to increasing potential, or counterspace, the terminal of the dielectric. The dielectric is Ether under torsion, the magnetic is Ether under polarization, which is ultimately true field holography and that which gives mass and magnitude to all things. Dielectric and Magnetic are the dimensionalities and conjugate pair of the total expression of fields, the versors or metrical intermediaries of the conjugate fields; which are time and space or respectively measure, lag, torsion, and volume. So-called scalar waves (which ironically contain no wave-phenomena) and Tesla’s “death ray” are all high voltage dielectric phenomena. Instead of cycles per unit of time, such energy beams are measured in voltage per second. The dielectric is the torsional attribute of energy (or the Agathon), whereas magnetism is the release of that torsional energy and therefore its ‘mirage’ or projection. Dielectric is the inverse of force, the loss of the dielectric is force, or magnetism. Voltage is the dielectric, current is magnetism. Dielectric has two modalities, in loss as so deemed magnetism, and lastly as torsional or cyclical energy as carried in tandem with magnetism so deemed electricity and light. A dielectric is commonly referred to as a medium of dielectric inductance; most dielectric medium are clear/transparent. An electromagnet works in simplex by terminating all dielectric inductance in transformation into that of magnetism. Or in another manner of thought, by electricity losing its dielectric component.

Here's another cool graphic from Ken showing how all lines in nature are curve-linear and have their locus and origin (as do all fields) in counterspace, that which is inverse to all Cartesian domains, counterspace, the warp, subspace, that very place which is both nowhere and everywhere at once.


Blessed be the creator, blessed be God, blessed be the absolute. I will continue to post more as I find more insight, glory is all to the source of this divine beauty. This autistic man wrote a 230+ page book on the true nature of reality and what magnetism really is (a radiative force cannot attract, radiation displaces ONLY, magnetism is a radiative force, good luck untangling this one alone :P)

I’ll entertain questions about the nature of our reality and physics and why we haven't made real progress in the last few decades. The only way to be certain that I understand this high-caliber autism is by being able to explain it.

Dont get lost in the sauce when you hear people say things like "holographic universe" or "holographic reality". It is true, there is true field holography, but dont' get lost in the new age sauce about what it actually means.

Ken opened my eyes and helped me understand the simplicity of what it means. Read this ancient hindu proverb carefully with me "When this is present, that is present. When that is present, this is present". The reality of the universe is two, perfectly inverted geometries fitting one inside the other, one we are very familiar with and its the radiative, expansive and centrifugal force of magnetism, but this force holds hand in perfect holographic unity with its other incommensurable half: the counterspatial, centripetal and inertial force that opposes magnetism and "props up" the universe.

Ok OK I'll give the secret away, so if magnetism can only displace and is a radiative force and radiation cannot "pull" it can only push, whats happening exactly when an magnet comes close to an iron nail?

Every object in the universe has magnetic and dielectric fields. Just know that. It is what it is. The natural field-state of all objects are these two conjugate fields sitting inside each other, the donut shape of magnetism, and the hyperboloid of the dielectric.

A magnet is just a coherent field object or a "field laser" if you will. A five watt bulb? barely can read with it. But a five watt laser can start fires. Coherency matters.

So a magnet has all its atomic magneto-dielectric whirpools aligned in unison, causing the magnet to exhibit Field Incommensurability or what the atomists hilariously call "Domain alignment" lmao.

anyway, the iron nail knows no such coherency, As such its magnetic field is much less organized and coherent. When the magnet approaches and its much stronger magnetic field "blows away" the influence of the magnetic field from the nail, what is left?

The iron nail now has an imbalance in its local field geometry, namely that the balance of dielectric and magnetic forces for its iron atoms are now unbalanced. MEANING???

Meaning that nature always seeks pressure mediation. Which magnetism "blown away" from the iron nails center of influence, its dielectric field now is the stronger of the two (where normally magnetism reigns supreme) and now the dielectric field of the iron and the magnet act like soap bubbles, as they come closer they seek to unite at a new lower pressure point that is located proportionally between the center of the magnet and the iron nail. Seeing how the magnet is X-amount of stronger than the nail, its center of pressure is still within the physical mass of the magnet, but the nail's center of dielectric pressure now shifts OUSIDE OF THE NAIL ITSELF.

If Magnetism is the field modality of force and motion, what is the dielectric aether modality then? The field of inertia and acceleration.

And what does the nail experience at that tipping point where magnetism completely loses its influence and it becomes overtaken by the now dominant force of pure inertia/acceleration?

It exhibits a near instant acceleration or acceleration towards the magnet as its dielectric field merges with that of the magnet :]

So that's how those craft fly, and thats how lazar couldn't figure it out and why they couldn't just outright tell him what the sports model was doing. They had to make up some shit about element 115 to not give him the answer right away. It almost seems like Lazar was a patsy to make sure the brightest atomistic and quantum trained minds could not unlock the secrets of downed craft were they to crash in the course of their operation.

And what an amazing success. 30 years later and Lazar hasn't figured out that element 115 was a red herring for likely isotopes of Bismuth and its related, counter-spatial attributes and immense dielectric properties ;)

but I am getting off topic ;D

82 comments block

Trope 0 points 12 months ago

I subscribed to the fellow after seeing this comment the other day. Shame his wife is gone. I will day, he seems a bit jaded and blackpilled in his persona but it’s a personality I’m familiar with. Dude has some great things to say so far.