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What is the best option for a TV box now?

submitted by GeneralDisarray to tv 1.3 yearsJan 16, 2023 17:08:01 ago (+4/-0)     (tv)

I need a new tv box.

I was looking at what is out their but I want something that will be subscription and ad free that I can just plug in.

I also don't want voice control or anything that spies on me.

I honestly don't know where to start and would appreciate some advice from people that are more savvy than me.

21 comments block

Get on ebay. A couple companies make mini PCs for office use. You can find a nice one from $60-$80 sometimes.

Get a wireless mini keyboard mouse combo. Make sure it's backlit unless you never watch tv in the dark.

Then install your goyflix app and Kodi or Plex or the niggerball app and the fox news app. ~$100 and you're all set.