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Australia Senate Moves to Block Critical Race Theory from National Curriculum: ‘Education, Not Indoctrination’

submitted by Kattie to OccidentalEnclave 2.8 yearsJun 23, 2021 17:59:08 ago (+23/-0)     (www.breitbart.com)


"The Australia Senate voted Monday to move to call upon the federal government to prohibit the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the national curriculum."

11 comments block

x0x7 2 points 2.8 years ago

It's a good argument to not have public schools. If you want to teach your own kids critical race theory, then fine, go ahead. You're kind of abusive, but I'm a parental rights extremist. You can go ahead and lie to your kids. Don't require everyone else's kids to be lied to.

It's ok for kids to learn different things. They should be learning whatever their parents choose to teach them, or those they choose to hire.