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What we're seeing on Voat is a counter-terrorism operation

submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2.9 yearsJun 18, 2021 07:35:03 ago (+5/-7)     (OccidentalEnclave)*



A few of the SIEGE videos I posted not too long ago here have now been blocked on Bitchute for promoting terrorism. The Biden administration joined other governments in trying to stamp out such content online.


Archived version of SIEGE.


TexasVet is a proponent of lone wolf terrorism. He's under assault. Even that Eastern European gentleman that said friendly things about my solo videos is getting called a pedo. This is an organized disruption operation by the feds or a contractor associated with them. Certainly something like that. The aim is to harass and demoralize any legit user or certainly anyone that is a threat and infiltrate as the most retarded of nutzis. The method will generally be to wear this new site down with nonsense. Mass downvotes, mass upvoting of nonsense attacking targeted users, calling people pedos, disrupting rational discussion and their fear of terrorist organizing or legitimacy. The site hacking will likely arrive soon. I suspect the failure of a thread to bump where I discussed lone wolf terrorism was due to hacking by glowies.

You've been warned.

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