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BIDEN WANTS TO SNIFF HAIR !!! Today Friday Biden gave a memorial day speech and tried to hit on this tiny girl, claiming tiny child Margaret Catherine LOOKS NINETEEN! Listen to him REGRET SHE CROSSES HER LEGS!!! He is a senile pervert! Hitting on tiny children still. His wife was enraged all night!

submitted by try to news 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 00:01:37 ago (+46/-2)     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)*


Video of Biden hitting on small child when wife cant squeeze his hand to make him stop flirting :


catbox in case (((twitter))) shoahs tonights video clip, to hide it from (((media))).

Also photo of the little girl!:



Some democrats and jews are downvoting all my posts and comments.

The admins seem to allow this sort of brigading by paid JIDF/ADL/SPLC.

no wonder why so many non-jews are driven off, and the main page has low percentage of "jew naming" posts reach the top.

I never downvoated anyone, but now I got over 35 downvotes in one fucking day as target of JIDF/ADL/SPLC here.

the admins need to let people see who the attackers are by listing the downvotes.

24 comments block

[ - ] con77 8 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 01:51:23 ago (+8/-0)

fucking sickening

[ - ] try [op] 7 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 01:55:50 ago (+8/-1)

Its my last post for a few months.

Why? Because you did not upvote it. and its still 33% leftist Jew downvotes.



The JIDF/ADL/SPLC/ShareBlue infests this goddamned kiked site

Thanks for at lest reading it con77.

I spent a lot of time and a lot of comments and posts in 3 weeks since joining to keep this place from going extinct, but the Jews won.

This place is becoming totally leftist controlled by downvote brigades and the system admin took too long to implement brakes on the paid JIDF/ADL/SPLC/ShareBlue leftists.

[ - ] veo 5 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 02:30:18 ago (+5/-0)

Maybe switch to decaf and stay the course. You don't give in to tyranny because someone looked at you funny, right?

Votes are votes. The important part is you can discuss it freely.

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 2 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 10:38:05 ago (+2/-0)*

Jesus... you’re one of those internet point people? Gross

Still, I’ll go upvote your silly faggot ass since you care.

[ - ] try [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 11:12:21 ago (+1/-1)*

Your ONE upvote will not help the THIRTY FOUR comment downvotes I got in about 24 hours from JIDF/ADL/SPLC paid shills here.

46 downvotes on me to 80 downvotes by JIDF jews in ~24 hours equals 34 downvotes.

34 downvotes per day exceeds the average upvotes of +27 per day I get.

SO fuck it. JIDF is brigading to chase the last few remaining non-jews off this site.

And they won.

I just got fucking 34 downvotes in one fucking day and only average 28 upvoates so eventually I wont be able to post in a few months with al these paid JIDF shills infesting this site.

Its not worth bothering any more. I did a LOT of work in 3 weeks to keep this site from going extinct, but I now see its too late. This site is infested with leftists and not enough conservatives.

The paid Jew shills won.

Fuck it. I am done posting news topics for a while.

This all would stop if people could click on a name and see WHO downvoted WHAT.

JIDF can do a lot of damage with just one jew running 3 accounts, attacking the quality posters to disenchant them

FUCK THIS PLACE, too many Jews. No wonder why the front page is oddly sanitized of anti-Jew posts this week.

The entire front page of "https://www.voat.xyz/" has only one slight reference to Jews and its a 2 minute vid from Hiddenlol entitled "holocaust quiz" and it oddly is not really that triggering to the Jews the way it was authored.

This front page of voat.xyz is eerily devoid of topics that piss off jews. The leftists have started to encamp here.

Do I care? Maybe, but not enough people here care to see this site not get overrun by paid Jew shills.

Soros paid 18 BILLION more dollars to fund the group formerly named "Share Blue" to invade social media sites and attack "anti semitism"

Who here can fight billions of dollars of Jew money?


And then theres also ADL, SPLC, and JIDF.

Add them all up and it equals a bunch of shills using downvote tactic to hide this post topic on Biden to 50% downvote ratio at one point then 33% downvotes well over an hour later.

Too many JIDF accounts run by Jews attacking conservatives here.

Thanks for your upvote though. This site needs more of you.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 31, 2021 02:12:35 ago (+1/-0)

They're trying to demoralize you. Votes don't matter, but it gets under your skin so they continue.

[ - ] try [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsMay 31, 2021 02:18:41 ago (+0/-0)*

10 minutes ago 56 downvotes got reversed. From the 100 downvotes I got from attacks the last day, the admins rolled back 56 of the downvotes 10 minutes ago.

I am now far less angry.

The admin even took away a JIDF downvote on this post submission today.

-145 back to merely -89 a few minutes ago = 56 downvotes reversed.

[ - ] try [op] 4 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 00:43:02 ago (+5/-1)

Jews already downvoted this.

Jews infest voat.xyz

jews chase away the conservatives here.

JIDF/ADL/SPLC infests this goddamned kiked site.

50% downvoted fresh story with link to tonights news video of video event itself.


[ - ] Unused_Rain_Coat 3 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 02:25:43 ago (+3/-0)

He is going to be eating Cheese Pizza now

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 2 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 09:26:40 ago (+2/-0)

Twitter coopted the trend. When you click on creepy Joe it's all pictures of trump and Ivanka and the shills loling

[ - ] drhitler 2 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 05:08:33 ago (+2/-0)

ffs why dosn't it have the same system as old voat, 100ccp to downvote was good.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 19:46:49 ago (+1/-0)

This post has 3 total downvotes. Where the fuck do you get 35.

And your post title is full of inaccuracies. You deserve downvotes for your misleading titles.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 20:04:11 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] TheSimulacra 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 22:22:10 ago (+1/-0)

Lol you so mad about internet points. You are a sad little man. Next time use an accurate title that isn’t filled with assumptions. You fucking idiot.

[ - ] try [op] -1 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 23:35:44 ago (+0/-1)


My account! My account. Do not be a liar, you possibly JIDF shill.

HALF of your votes are fucking downvotes and you are JIDF probably : votes given: 68 (+45/-23)

ZERO of my votes are downvotes.

Look at my stats! 46 downvotes to 81 (you just downvoted me from 80 to 81)

46 to 81 is 35 downvotes in about 24 hours.

I am being attacked by jews and people like you.

Now you just used a second account to immediately UPVOTE your own comment here!

You are a JIDF vote manipulator I suspect.

THAT POST (my OP POST) was also downvoted 50% at first 2 to 2 = 50%, and then when 6 upvotes it had 2 downvotes (33% downvoted post) then a third downvote was on it from JIDF jews. Paid JIDF shills. Luckily it is still -3 post downvotes, but the jews are now attacking the POSTER of things that upset the jews here.

This is why the MAIN PAGE of voat.co in the first 100 (one hundred) posts on main page are all jew friendly. Only one token post a few hours ago from "hiddenLol" about a holocoaust 2 minute debate cartoon, and even that cartoon was not very jew enraging.

The reason voats first 100 posts on the main landing page (if you advance through them all to 100) are all JEW FRIENDLY is because JIDF brigades of downvoaters took over voat.co this last week.

Now I am a target, and you are a lying jew I think if you cant see simple facts when you click on my user stats, or observe what happened to voat.co main pages this last week.

The censoring JIDF shills got too brazen. Too blatant.

I WILL NOT BE BOTHERING TO POST ANY MORE TOPIC CONTENT TO POAL.co for a few months, the Jews won, the paid jews took over and chased out nearly all the non-jews from poal.co

FUCK IT! The admin needs to put in stronger downvote limits on targeted people.

I never downvoted anyone in history. ZERO downvotes.

And why do you have multiple accounts running at 50% downvote ratios? You have :
ccp: 79 (+100/-21)
votes given: 68 (+45/-23)

You have 50% downvote ratio on this account alone and a account with no organic upvotes, and a only +99 upvotes on your account other than the +1 you added two minutes after you posted your lie attack.

WHY are you possibly a paid JIDF shill?

[ - ] TheSimulacra 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 30, 2021 03:16:41 ago (+1/-0)*

You care way too much about internet points, faggot.
Your post titles are gay.
You cry for pages i will never even bother to read.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 2.9 yearsJun 1, 2021 01:19:00 ago (+0/-0)

The thing is, i could care less about internet points. There are about 50 new posts here a day, there is no point in up or downvoting. Your jewdar needs to be recalibrated bad.

[ - ] Containingabeaver 2 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 00:04:14 ago (+4/-2)

They all have hostage eyes

[ - ] try [op] 7 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 00:11:30 ago (+8/-1)*

True! look at aftermath from tonight : They cant believe how perverted he was!




Jews already downvoted remark too.

Jews infest voat.xyz

jews chase away the conservatives here.

JIDF/ADL/SPLC infests this goddamned kiked site.

50% downvoted fresh story with link to tonights news video of video event itself.


fuck this jew infested site!

we need a function to locate the jidf shills.

JEWS DOWNVOTED me 15 times for no reason in half a day!!!

There needs to be a limit on downvotes of people like me who NEVER ONCE EVER downvoted anyone ever ( check my stats : ZERO downvotes, but now I get dozens a day)

FUCK it.

[ - ] Unused_Rain_Coat 2 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 06:50:31 ago (+2/-0)

how do you even know they downvoted you?

[ - ] try [op] 2 points 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 07:12:31 ago (+2/-0)

The word "EDIT:" and the asterisk, both mean you are reading an edited updated comment after the word "EDIT:"

When writing edit, I had zero upvotes on my words, and 1 jew downvote. So my edited comment mentions it.

You will see others append after the word "EDIT:" in their own edited post addendums.

Jews never type "Edit:", jews just revise history and try to change narratives of people below them.

[ - ] Containingabeaver 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 08:09:22 ago (+2/-1)

I get a lot of downvoats :(

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 11:46:16 ago (+1/-0)

God I thought this was old.

This is what I send to friends in a text


How does the lamestream media just ignore this? How can the late night comedy people get a joke out of this.. How good could a Saturday night live sketch h be about Joe biden sniffing little girls hair.. if u can't see jews 100% control the media the entertainment and everything on TV at this point you are blind

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 2.9 yearsMay 29, 2021 11:50:47 ago (+1/-0)

Why would the parents bring their kids?