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Pretty weird when the bootleg nigger-rigged new voat still runs better than the original.

submitted by Astupidname69 to introductions 3 yearsMar 31, 2021 05:52:42 ago (+39/-2)     (introductions)

As a side note, who do I have to downvoat/disagree with to get my internet shekels stolen from me around here?

26 comments block

x0x7 0 points 3 years ago

They had plenty of users at their height. They also had plenty of expense to justify fixing their infrastructure. They didn't seem that motivated to make money, at least off of advertising because what they set up for that was kind of a joke. If they were smart they would have set up a bidding market so that the price was reasonable. $50 was the minimum and wasn't even close to worth it for what you got, so they got zero interest. They had a total of three real ads. If they had really cared about money they would have fixed that shit.

Unless.. per my hypothesis, they weren't the kind of people capable of fixing much of anything.