Steadfast Defender 2024: NATO Planning To Mobilise 90,000 Soldiers for Biggest Military Exercise Since End of Cold War     (www.latestly.com)
submitted by mxcviel to WorldNews 4 months ago (+3/-2)

The military exercise, called "Steadfast Defender 2024", will kick off next week and run through to May.

"The Alliance will demonstrate its ability to reinforce the Euro-Atlantic area by a transatlantic movement of forces from North America," the U.S. general told reporters in Brussels after a two-day meeting of national chiefs of defense.

The troops will come from NATO allies and Sweden, according the alliance's top commander, Chris Cavoli.

This year, the U.K. will send 20,000 troops to Steadfast Defender, British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps announced Jan. 16, 2024.
British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps on Monday announced the U.K.’s contribution to exercise Steadfast Defender, saying it is about sending a message of deterrence at a time of security upheaval on the Continent.

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