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Member for: 3 years

scp: 411 (+416/-5)
ccp: 89 (+105/-16)
votes given: 132 (+104/-28)
score: 500


Ivermectin against Covid for humans will do more harm than help, people regularly die from it, look it up!

However, with Omikron, drugs have become almost useless as Omikron is generally very mild. All you may need is Paracetamol.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=61de3acebaade

Send bobs and vegana, and it will play!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61bda03dc6392

Although Whites are only 50 % of society, they make 100 % of crimes in this video

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61bc3a8a3493d

Better not click on URLs containing tracking code.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61bcaf1f8a3f6

It is the 80es in Germany which are being upvoted there.

/v/WakeUpWhitePeople viewpost?postid=61bafc5ef252c

From Patriot Front's manifesto at https://patriotfront.us/manifesto/ :

"Our people have conquered injustice before, both within our lands and within ourselves. Tyranny wields new implements today, yet it bears the same ugly face.

From the many individuals of our people, a collective will emerge, a network linking the faithful of our people together in strength and unity.

A generation steeled in their effort to realize their grand vision of a new nation."
[End quote]

Complete bullshit. The text creates a specific atmosphere, but does not make any precise statement.

Some passages may be quotations or paraphrasing from Hitler's speeches token out of context. However, the language has been chosen very carefully to match a specific speech style while stating as little as possible.

This text looks like low key sign stimuli from a projective test, in order to analyse your reaction to ambiguous stimuli.

»What comes in your mind when you hear "America suffers under the rule of an occupied government"?«

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61b01b6fb0dad

»Please post the emails you receive.«

I see what you did here.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6195023201bc6

People who die less than two weeks after vaccination will be counted as "unvaccinated deaths" in the statistics, just as if they never received any vaccine.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=617ed4f17e4eb

Tattoos are forbidden for Jews by religious law.

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=617dbb389a09d


It's a hoax.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6174d8ff94f53

Its mostly sold in Italy, just search for "Vini Nostalgici"

/v/pics viewpost?postid=6175e0e6db3e3

This is why they want Whites to be a minority in US and Europe:
Nonwhites will change the legislation accordingly to "common sense", and this common sense will be defined by Nonwhites who declare that killing Whites is justified.

Just have a look at the current jurisdiction in SA, this is what it will look like in US and Europe once the globalists have accomplished their work.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61771df2c1388

..albino Africans would be Whites.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6173adcb332a4

Apply flame-thrower, herbicide, and make a concrete floor. This will also help against the insects!

Also keep a flower hanged on a rope as to warn the other flowers not to come over.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=614cd5a46aa25

Interfaith marriage is forbidden in Israel.

As for the US, Jewish organizations have already noticed the danger of cultural and ethnic disappearance through miscegenation since the seventies.

Jewish organizations like "Jews for Judaism" are actively promoting reconversion of atheist and Christian Jews back to orthodox Judaism.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6168d4efa896f

"Diversity" is an euphemism for cultural genocide by cultural, political and territorial expropriation through mass immigration.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6169114675424

Looks like the Somali community is helping Great Britain to learn how to be multicultural.

/v/news viewpost?postid=616991e5aa0a8

The ethnicity was mentioned three hours later, namely Somali.

"The BBC understands from an official government source that the 25-year-old man being held on suspicion of murdering Sir David Amess MP is a British national who initially appears to be of Somali heritage."

https://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-england-essex-58929701 at 19:38

/v/news viewpost?postid=616991e5aa0a8


/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=6166de65a0038

"aeroton.co.za" on the billboard is quite obvious.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616049b7cf95c

"Whites are currently too weak to defend their cultural heritage, but White culture deserves no respect and no esteem anyway": This is the message, and they do not even try to hide it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615a526c3492c