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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 4267 (+4910/-643)
ccp: 8008 (+8990/-982)
votes given: 15706 (+15387/-319)
score: 12275


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Sounds like an 8-bit 1980s video game where you first encounter that shitty single Elvish icon NPC in the forest.

/v/music viewpost?postid=6646ca6e7e602

"You don't have to, but 95% of cops are freemasons."

I know a decent amount of cops. Not one is a Freemason. One friend of mine became a lower-level Freemason, and within one year bailed out. This video, and the alleged cop, is full of shit off the start.

E: My father was a Philly cop. He sure as fuck was not a Freemason.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=66471b28ebcf6

"The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act was first introduced by former Representative Ron Paul ..."

I thought it was @paul_neri. Boomer memories ...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6646dd9acab3b

I know this post is going straight to the top, so I will tag along and get free fake points.

/v/Upgoat viewpost?postid=6646eda951d06

"If a wasp is stinging your primary enemy, during that time, the despised wasp should be supported" -- Sun Tzu (Art of the Dragon)

/v/news viewpost?postid=6646cce58b495

I could see this turning into a disaster under bad circumstances.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=66464f3ad9ba5

Medieval armor might be coming back in vogue.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6645b4a7236d7

Nice. Reminds me of this comic: https://files.catbox.moe/vkn92w.jpg

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=66428c3a9c62f

Yeah, the article says that at the bottom. Probably not for long.

"Bizarrely, copies of Piper’s Final Judgment can still be found for sale by various sellers on eBay. A quick search of the site turned up 16 different sellers all offering new and used copies of Final Judgment for sale."

/v/Censorship viewpost?postid=664189905e403

"Opps. Major faux paux. I capitolized the E on Ebay."

You mean "fas pas" and "capitilized."

/v/Censorship viewpost?postid=664189905e403

I found it. "It" being the thing I was looking for, of course.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66406563b2f8f

Curb stomp the baby jew. @master_foo

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=6640ac2ab7f7a

When I was jumping back into the shekel market, I found a site that tracks what senators and reps were doing. Nancy dumped a lot into a company:


I quickly made $15K off this stock.

She puts small amounts into loser stocks, then suddenly drops a bomb load of money that she has to report and she takes the maximum time to report it.

E: When Nancy invested, it was definitely below $120 a share.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6640bbf7af7e1

If this isn't copypasta, you make me sad.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664048ba244f8

Hilarious post, Fasc. I am surprised Neri did not report this recent chat moment, haha!


/v/IdeasForTalk viewpost?postid=664048a914cd8

LOL on the bottom faggots in this thread ... oh, wait.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663f200354064

Your leaves a yellowing. Might need to do something about that.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=663f3acc99def

It just made me queasy. I figure revulsion is also acceptable.

/v/DemonWorld viewpost?postid=663ea04043ef4

I tried to share this with friends on my phone. It is blocked with "sign in." Whelp, there is another ten normies you failed on.

E: You might not like catbox, but when it works, at least me friends can see it.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663d9ec351fed

Someone that has a twatter account should let Tom Massie know Voat and ConsumeProduct exists as a potential positive propaganda engine.

Then again, even though he is being attacked directly by the kikes, he would back off on mutual support of us.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663d9000166da

Dangus and I are polar opposites on a lot, yet I completely agree that Dangus has the most obvious advice. You talk to this guy. Tell him to stop driving over your lawn. Show him the damage if necessary. This should never have made it to the Intertubez.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663d759cf0d2c

Wait until "The Master" makes an appearance.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663b688c5db2d