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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 77 (+92/-15)
ccp: 47 (+61/-14)
votes given: 23 (+18/-5)
score: 124


Not yet, no. Still looking into it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=608cb22be95f4

"People can also be compelled to undergo decontamination, provide body samples for diagnosis, undertake treatment or receive a vaccination and remain in Australia for up to four weeks. Failure to comply with a control order draws the same penalties as above."

At this point, I fully understand how every dictator in history managed to do whatever the fuck he wanted. Nobody gives a fuck until it's too late, that's how.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=608cb15e7e67a

Now imagine on a November evening at 6pm while it's foggy-turning-dark and raining with that shitty cold-as-fuck rain.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=6086ecbf810e8

well... shit. i liked it too, 6 years ago.

any day now?

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60848a370e034

My grandma died so far, my father has stopped coughing and is feeling better and my mother is still going through it.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606f9b663efc4

yeah, idk wtf that is. do you? i thought it was 'aluminium' which is toxic for the body afaik but im not sure. this is why i'd love goats to look into this closer.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=607604281e579

your father is right. the initial cells were taken from one or several foetuses (not just for this vaccine - for most vaccines - they use the same cell culture) and that initial batch is being replicated over and over again.

the fetal fibroblast cells used to grow vaccine viruses were first obtained from a couple of abortions in the early 1960s

the retinal cells used to make the COVID-19 adenovirus vaccines (i.e not the mRNA ones, like the J&J and the AstraZeneca) were isolated from a foetus in 1985 and adapted for use in growing adenovirus vaccines in the 90s

the argument isn't that 'they're killing babies to make vaccines'. the argument is that 'some babies were killed and their cells harvested in order to make all of this possible' which from a moral perspective presents the same problems. i.e 1 baby killed should be evil enough.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606bafecb2b8a

i dont usually get into fights with niggers like yourself but you seem fun so im curious about this one:

how do you know i live with my parents and didn't actually leave home at 16 to work, then put myself through college, then moved to another country and earned a masters degree there, and then moved to yet another country, to both work and volunteer in the field that i've dedicated myself to for the past 10 years?

like, how can you tell?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6075ba25439f9

turkish jew? lol i'm not even mad

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6075ba25439f9

This is horrible but if you look at them closely - (the data is taken from here, for AstraZeneca for example: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/977006/COVID-19_vaccine_AstraZeneca_analysis_print.pdf ) you can find some weird things in the data as well.

Reaction Name Total Fatal
Arthropod bite 3 0
Arthropod sting 8 0
Bite 1 0
Electric shock 11 0
Fall 106 1
Inflammation of wound 3 0
Injury 1 0
Nervous system injury 1 0
Post concussion syndrome 1 0
Road traffic accident 1 0
Tissue injury 1 0
Traumatic haematoma 1 0
Traumatic shock 1 0
Wound 1 0
Wound complication 7 0
Wound haemorrhage 4 0

This is my favourite tho:

Reaction Name Total Fatal
General disorders
Brain death 3 3
Death 175 175
Drowning 1 0
Sudden death 17 17

/v/Plandemic viewpost?postid=6074594763f89

Here's the thing. If we lived in an ideal world without government control and the slipper slope things like this open up, this would be awesome.

Imagine a utopia where nobody gets sick, and those things are not used to track or control you, but really only used for what it says on the box.

Wishful thinking I know... but it's just... feelsbadman.jpg

We could have wonderful stuff, instead everything that has the potential to be great is tainted.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60748fe709ea8

My father has been on this medication for the past 10 days, in the form of pills and an IV cocktail:
Favipiravir, Ciprofloxacin, Paracetamol, vitamins (including D), Zinc. Hydrocortisone is also added to his oxygen. It's been more than 10 days, I even lost track, and he is just now starting to feel better.

My mother on the other hand is on the same treatment, and a bunch of others, and she has zero cough or breathing issues, but massive gastro-intestinal issues. Liver enzymes out of whack. Same issues my grandmother who just passed away had.

I shilled it to them as 'just a shitty cold' but it isn't. It's something way more insidious.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606f9b663efc4

this all takes place in eastern Europe. shapeshifters more rare. colleague not a joo. he's actually in the hospital as well, room next to my dad and last I heard he was even worse.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606f9b663efc4

This is good. Thank you. I'm trying to do just that. The only thing left for me to do is give them grandkids. I really want that to happen before they go.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606f9b663efc4

I don't, I really don't, but seeing the state my father is in... makes me not want to care anymore. Fatigued, mixed with fear is what I'm feeling. He was chopping wood and then went from that to a shell of himself in less than a week.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606f9b663efc4

I don't have a sceenie. My username was Zalmoxis, maybe some of you saw me around. They say vaccinated people can still carry and transmit the virus. That's what's really bugging me. Some docs are like 'they'll make this into a Mareks' disease' and others like that pfizer former vp say 'no way this virus mutates to escape immunity'.

Anyway, this is less about the vaccine and more about what happens when you trust in something like this and convince yourself you're done all the research you could and you're definitely on the right track then something like this comes around and hits you in the face.

I don't know what I was expecting from here, but seeing as I never made an account since this went up, this was a great reason to do so, no matter how many people think this is fake since it really does go against the narrative, but it is what it is and this is what I'm going through and I want to believe that someone out there has something good to say about the whole thing.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=606f9b663efc4