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Isn't the US presidential election coming up in November? I haven't heard 1 thing about anyone doing a presidential campaign..........     (AskGoats)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskGoats 3 weeks ago


the hell is going on?
Is gen x going to nigger concerts or these nigger panderer concerts to seem hiplike they're not old?     (AskGoats)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskGoats 1 month ago


I am hanging out with a gen x guy, he got a call from his gen x friend. The guy calling was talking about how he went to a nigger panderer concert and it was too raunchy for him because the woman talked about masturbating for 20+ minutes amongst other overly sexual monologue. Then the guy getting the call responds, like he couldn't wait to blurt it out, saying everything he know about related niggers like he was bragging he knew this info. Even millennials don't do this (that I hang out with) , so it's not hip.

I think this is why I'm seeing age groups separate from each other, and the only mixing is gen z women going with SOME millennials that are much older. Because everyone else is searching for a new identity and it doesnt work
Today in Nigger News: African priest: Bishops and cardinals must publicly correct Pope Francis’ many heresies — Headlines — April 16, 2024     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to TodayInNiggerNews 1 month ago


@carnold03 is inspired because a nigger priest said something we've all been saying. It's more specialer if it comes from a nigger, amirite?     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1 month ago


I went to get a cherry blue keyboard about 13 years ago or so, psyched af, but they weren't popular at the time and I couldn't find any. Then they gained traction and this video explains why I never got 1 and stuck with what I had     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to technology 1 month ago


@TheBigGuyFromQueens can't fight the white people urge to pedestalize any minor positive thing a nigger does.      (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1 month ago


We're never gonna make it.
Remember that time Texas Backed Down? Repeadedly?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 2 months ago


Texas, in fact, backs down repeatedly, and Pepperidge Farm Remembers.
@Conspirologist is warning you to not criticize Biden or the FBI will be paying a visit to your door. Don't you dare insult him, you little pieces of shit or you're going to jail or going to be shot to death     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WarningShotsToTalk 2 months ago


You've been warned.
to all the people who said Russia had X reason to not attack electrical infrastructure in Ukraine, why are they attacking it now     (AskGoats)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskGoats 2 months ago


@Conspirologist wants to warn you that you better not think about killing illegals because they're armed now and they can legally blow you the fuck away. don't fuck with the coloreds!     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WarningShotsToTalk 2 months ago


you've been warned.
Dear N word of voat, my copy pasta about the Zion Don to the PepperidgeFarmRemembers subvoat is generating new traffic to the site. You're welcome, and the last one to like this is black!     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PublicServiceAnnouncement 2 months ago


@mikenigger Russia should send in women soldiers and have cameras on them to show the opposition killing them, and see how the US adjusts it's killing spree there.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to TellUpgoat 2 months ago


Ever wonder how feminist women can still fornicate with men even though they have a contrived hatred for them? Maybe this is what is deterring women from fornication and why we see virginity and less fornicators.     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to ShowerThoughts 2 months ago


This also explains the overly emotional, overblown "reeeeee here's why i'm ~~~~rejecting~~~ (this makes me as a woman more valuable) this man". In addition to women being neutral, sexually inert material unless acted upon by an outside force, their masculine behavior pushes them to being attracted to women, but they never get an opening because both women are expecting the other woman to make the first move, and so it results in a perpetual stalemate, and women achieve a maximum masculine status of: beta male.
I'm at the gym right now and I'm pretty sure I'm witnessing some guy hanging out with his girlfriend's child's father and the father is running around playing with the kid while she also works out     (WTF)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WTF 3 months ago


This is some hella cringe shit. I think they recently banged for the first time given that the guys body language is pretty loosened up now lol uuuuucccckkkk

This girl is also some mutt race and he's white.
Insurance companies and police are scouts for burglaries. There are massive amounts of coordinated burglaries across the USA and they seem to know intricate details of 100s of like businesses in each category.      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to TellUpgoat 3 months ago


the only entities that would ever be able to carry out this information gathering profitably are insurance companies and taxpayer funded entities. they are also the only ones who would ever get the details needed to burglarize buildings like this.
What is Russia doing that is driving some people so mad? This one pretty intelligent guy I've been listening to online seems to have a stroke when he talks about Russia - he starts saying things that just don't make sense and other things I couldn't possibly verify     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskUpgoat 3 months ago


For example he's saying that some documents that were leaked by a Pentagon employee were disseminated and "probably changed by the Russians to make their propaganda machine work better than it otherwise would".... then that IS the propaganda machine working.... I sometimes think he's saying things that are supposed to be manipulating me, but a statement like that doesn't even make sense, and I can't discern any manipulation from what he was doing there - he simply wasn't making sense.

Do these people think Russia is going to assassinate them or something (that would be really cool if Russia was killing these mentally ill people)?

Again, why do some people talk so strange about Russia? Whatever this is, it's nowhere near anything I've been exposed to, and I can only guess what puts them in this state of mind, as I never observe this behavior anywhere else at any time.
There is a whole fucking subvoat dedicated to nigger month. Nowhere else on the internet or otherwise do I ever hear about nigger month. Voat is always the only place I hear about this every. single. year.     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage 4 months ago




for 14 years straight.
voat puts on blast nigger month. voat is the only place i have heard on the internet or otherwise that it is nigger month. without this, i would never know it. once again, voat propagates the enemy's message to "be 'funny' "     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage 4 months ago


you're not funny. you're an unwitting traitor....
Voat is the only place mentioning nigger month, and the only place I even hear about it every. single. year. And now we have daily threads on this gayness. These people are the enemy, not our teammates.      (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage 4 months ago


Never will they post positive things for us, but they'll do this nonsense.... -_-
Anyone have that video of Trump saying he likes beautiful younger men as much as Epstein?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to AskUpgoat 4 months ago


Remember that time the Zion Don was in cahoots with his dear friend Jeffrey Epstein and alluded to his pedophile behavior with "It is even said that [Esptein] likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."     (web.archive.org)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 4 months ago


[Pepperidge Farm Remembers](https://files.catbox.moe/pqs8kz.jpg)

This made me lmao     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to pics 4 months ago


Russia is making an AI chat bot. This could be it guys - GOOD cloud AI.      (www.androidpolice.com)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to technology 4 months ago


still need offline, locally runnable programs though
Reminder that (((Elon Musk's))) car is gay and a nigger.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to ThatIsAll 4 months ago


That is all.
Friendly reminder that the Jew is about to shapeshift, and we need to remain strong with our anti semitism.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 months ago


That is all.